git-sumi 0.0.9

Non-opinionated commit message linter
name = "git-sumi"
version = "0.0.9"  # managed by release script
authors = ["Óscar Fernández <>"]
description = "Non-opinionated commit message linter"
edition = "2021"
license = "MIT OR Apache-2.0"
homepage = ""
readme = ""
keywords = ["git", "commit", "lint", "conventional-commits", "cli"]
categories = ["command-line-utilities", "development-tools"]
repository = ""
exclude = ["artifacts", "website", "target", "pypi", ".github", "tests", "release", "cliff.toml", "", "", "", "sumi.toml", ".gitignore"]

clap = { version = "4.5.4", features = ["derive", "env"] }
clap_complete = "4.5.2"
dirs = "5.0.1"
env_logger = "0.11.3"
git-conventional = "0.12.6"
lazy_static = "1.4"
log = "0.4.21"
prettytable-rs = "0.10"
regex = "1.10.4"
serde = { version = "1.0.200", features = ["derive"] }
serde_json = "1.0.116"
strum = "0.26.2"
strum_macros = "0.26.2"
tabled = "0.15.0"
thiserror = "1.0.59"
toml = "0.8.12"

assert_cmd = "2.0.14"
predicates = "3.1"
rand = "0.8.5"
tempfile = "3.10.1"

lto = true
codegen-units = 1
opt-level = "s"
panic = "abort"   # Let it crash and force ourselves to write safe Rust.
strip = true

# The profile that 'cargo dist' will build with.
inherits = "release"
lto = "thin"

# Config for 'cargo dist'
# The preferred cargo-dist version to use in CI (Cargo.toml SemVer syntax)
cargo-dist-version = "0.14.0"
# CI backends to support
ci = "github"
# The installers to generate for each app
installers = ["shell", "powershell"]
# Target platforms to build apps for (Rust target-triple syntax)
targets = [
# Publish jobs to run in CI
pr-run-mode = "plan"
# Don't auto-update release.yml; necessary until cargo-dist can upload to PyPI and
# Related issues: and
allow-dirty = ["ci"]
# Whether to install an updater program
install-updater = false