git-odb 0.21.1

Implements various git object databases
Git stores all of its data as _Objects_, which ata along with a hash over all data. Thus it's an object store indexed by data with inherent deduplication: the same data will have the same hash, and thus occupy the same space within the store. There are various flavours of object stores, all of which supporting iteration, reading and possibly writing. * [`loose::Store`] * A database storing one object per file, named by its hash, using zlib compression. * O(1) reads and writes, bound by IO operations per second * [`compound::Store`] * A database using a [`loose::Store`] for writes and multiple [`pack::Bundle`]s for object reading. It can also refer to multiple additional [`compound::Store`] instances using git-alternates. * This is the database closely resembling the object database in a git repository, and probably what most people would want to use. * [`linked::Store`] * A database containing various [`compound::Stores`][compound::Store] as gathered from `alternates` files.