Crate girolle

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This crate is a Rust implementation of the Nameko RPC protocol. It allows to create a RPC service or Rpc Call in Rust that can be called from or to a Nameko microservice.

Girolle mock Nameko architecture to send request and get response.


§RPC Service

This example is simple service that return a string with the name of the person.

use girolle::prelude::*;

fn hello(s: &[Value]) -> NamekoResult<Value> {
   // Parse the incomming data
   let n: String = serde_json::from_value(s[0].clone())?;
   let hello_str: Value = format!("Hello, {}!, by Girolle", n).into();

fn main() {
  let conf: Config = Config::with_yaml_defaults("config.yml".to_string()).unwrap();
  let mut services: RpcService = RpcService::new(conf,"video");
  services.insert("hello", hello);

§RPC Client

This example is a simple client that call the hello function in the video service.

use girolle::prelude::*;

async fn main() {
   let rpc_call = RpcClient::new(Config::default_config());


