ginepro 0.1.4

A client-side gRPC channel implementation for tonic
use ginepro::LoadBalancedChannel;
use tonic::transport::Certificate;
use tonic::transport::ClientTlsConfig;

use shared_proto::pb::echo_client::EchoClient;
use shared_proto::pb::EchoRequest;
use tests::tls::TestSslCertificate;

async fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
    // Using openssl to generate the CA pem certificate that
    // the client will trust.
    let pem = TestSslCertificate::generate().pem_certificate();

    let ca = Certificate::from_pem(pem);

    let tls = ClientTlsConfig::new().ca_certificate(ca);

    let channel = LoadBalancedChannel::builder(("localhost", 5000_u16))

    let mut client = EchoClient::new(channel);

    let request = tonic::Request::new(EchoRequest {
        message: "hello".into(),

    let response = client.unary_echo(request).await?;

    println!("RESPONSE={:?}", response);
