gilrs 0.6.3

Game Input Library for Rust
GilRs - Game Input Library for Rust

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GilRs abstract platform specific APIs to provide unified interfaces for working with gamepads.

Main features:

- Unified gamepad layout—buttons and axes are represented by familiar names
- Support for SDL2 mappings including `SDL_GAMECONTROLLERCONFIG` environment
  variable which Steam uses
- Hotplugging—GilRs will try to assign new ID for new gamepads and reuse same
  ID for gamepads which reconnected
- Force feedback (rumble)
- Power information (is gamepad wired, current battery status)

The project's main repository [is on GitLab](
although there is also a [GitHub mirror](
Please use GitLab's issue tracker and merge requests.

This repository contains submodule; after you clone it, don't forget to run
`git submodule init; git submodule update` (or clone with `--recursive` flag)
or you will get compile errors.


gilrs = "0.6.3"

use gilrs::{Gilrs, Button, Event};

let mut gilrs = Gilrs::new();

// Iterate over all connected gamepads
for (_id, gamepad) in gilrs.gamepads() {
    println!("{} is {:?}",, gamepad.power_info());

loop {
    // Examine new events
    while let Some(Event { id, event, time }) = gilrs.next_event() {
        println!("{:?} New event from {}: {:?}", time, id, event);

    // You can also use cached gamepad state
    if gilrs[0].is_pressed(Button::South) {
        println!("Button South is pressed (XBox - A, PS - X)");

Supported features

|                  | Input | Hotplugging | Force feedback |
| Linux            ||||
| Windows (XInput) ||||
| OS X             ||||
| Emscripten       |||       n/a      |
| Android          ||||

Platform specific notes


On Linux, GilRs read (and write, in case of force feedback) directly from appropriate
`/dev/input/event*` file. This mean that user have to have read and write access to this file.
On most distros it shouldn't be a problem, but if it is, you will have to create udev rule.

To build GilRs, you will need pkg-config and libudev .pc file. On some
distributions this file is packaged in separate archive (for example `libudev-dev` in Debian).


This project is licensed under the terms of both the Apache License (Version 2.0) and the MIT
license. See LICENSE-APACHE and LICENSE-MIT for details.