gifski 1.7.0

pngquant-based GIF maker for nice-looking animGIFs
authors = ["Kornel <>"]
categories = ["multimedia::video", "command-line-utilities"]
description = "pngquant-based GIF maker for nice-looking animGIFs"
documentation = ""
homepage = ""
include = ["/", "/Cargo.toml", "/src/**/*.rs", "/src/bin/*.rs"]
keywords = ["gif", "encoder", "converter", "maker", "gifquant"]
license = "AGPL-3.0-or-later"
name = "gifski"
readme = ""
repository = ""
version = "1.7.0"
autobins = false
edition = "2021"

doctest = false
name = "gifski"
required-features = ["clap", "png", "pbr", "wild", "natord", "dunce"]

# [[test]]
# name = "tests"
# required-features = ["png"]

gifsicle = { version = "1.92.5", optional = true }
clap = { version = "3.1.18", features = ["cargo"], optional = true }
gif = "0.11.3"
gif-dispose = "3.1.1"
imagequant = "4.0.0"
imgref = "1.9.1"
lodepng = { version = "3.6.1", optional = true }
pbr = { version = "1.0.4", optional = true }
resize = "0.7.2"
rgb = "0.8.31"
wild = { version = "2.0.4", optional = true }
natord = { version = "1.0.9", optional = true }
quick-error = "2.0.1"
dunce = { version = "1.0.2", optional = true }
crossbeam-channel = "0.5.2"
loop9 = "0.1.3"
# noisy-float 0.2 bug
num-traits = { version = "0.2.14", features = ["i128", "std"] }

package = "ffmpeg-next"
version = "4.4.0"
optional = true
default-features = false
features = ["codec", "format", "filter", "software-resampling", "software-scaling"]

# cargo build will skip the binaries with missing required-features
# so all CLI dependencies have to be enabled by default
default = ["gifsicle", "clap", "png", "pbr", "wild", "natord", "dunce"]
png = ["lodepng"]
openmp = [] # deprecated, obsolete
openmp-static = [] # deprecated, obsolete
video = ["ffmpeg"]
video-static = ["video", "ffmpeg/build"]
video-prebuilt-static = ["video", "ffmpeg/static"]

path = "src/"
crate-type = ["lib", "staticlib", "cdylib"]

debug = 1
opt-level = 1

opt-level = 2
debug = false

panic = "abort"
lto = true
debug = false
opt-level = 3

targets = ["x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu"]

# [patch.crates-io]
# ffmpeg-sys-next = { rev = "78458039d5fac99354f9cb078869f3be3f3af5fb", git = ""}