gifski 1.10.0

pngquant-based GIF maker for nice-looking animGIFs
use clap::builder::NonEmptyStringValueParser;
use std::io::Read;
use gifski::{Settings, Repeat};
use clap::value_parser;

#[cfg(feature = "video")]
mod ffmpeg_source;
mod png;
mod gif;
mod source;
use crate::source::Source;

use gifski::progress::{NoProgress, ProgressBar, ProgressReporter};

pub type BinResult<T, E = Box<dyn std::error::Error + Send + Sync>> = Result<T, E>;

use clap::{Command, Arg, ArgAction};

use std::env;
use std::fmt;
use std::fs::File;
use std::io;
use std::path::{Path, PathBuf};
use std::thread;
use std::time::Duration;

#[cfg(feature = "video")]
const VIDEO_FRAMES_ARG_HELP: &str = "one video file supported by FFmpeg, or multiple PNG image files";
#[cfg(not(feature = "video"))]
const VIDEO_FRAMES_ARG_HELP: &str = "PNG image files for the animation frames";

fn main() {
    if let Err(e) = bin_main() {
        eprintln!("error: {e}");
        if let Some(e) = e.source() {
            eprintln!("error: {e}");

fn bin_main() -> BinResult<()> {
    let matches = Command::new(clap::crate_name!())
                        .about(" by Kornel Lesiński")
                            .help("Destination file to write to; \"-\" means stdout")
                            .help("Frame rate of animation. If using PNG files as \
                                   input, this means the speed, as all frames are \
                                   kept. If video is used, it will be resampled to \
                                   this constant rate by dropping and/or duplicating \
                            .help("Multiply speed of video by a factor\n(no effect when using images as input)")
                            .help("50% faster encoding, but 10% worse quality and larger file size"))
                            .help("50% slower encoding, but 1% better quality"))
                            .help("Lower quality may give smaller file"))
                            .help("Lower values reduce motion"))
                            .help("Lower values introduce noise and streaks"))
                            .help("Maximum width.\nBy default anims are limited to about 800x600"))
                            .help("Maximum height (stretches if the width is also set)"))
                            .help("Use files exactly in the order given, rather than sorted"))
                            .help("Do not display anything on standard output/console"))
                            .help("Number of times the animation is repeated (-1 none, 0 forever or <value> repetitions")

    let mut frames: Vec<_> = matches.get_many::<String>("FILES").ok_or("?")?.collect();
    if !matches.get_flag("nosort") {
        frames.sort_by(|a, b| natord::compare(a, b));
    let frames: Vec<_> = frames.into_iter().map(PathBuf::from).collect();

    let output_path = DestPath::new(matches.get_one::<PathBuf>("output").ok_or("?")?);
    let width = matches.get_one::<u32>("width").copied();
    let height = matches.get_one::<u32>("height").copied();
    let repeat_int = matches.get_one::<i16>("repeat").copied().unwrap_or(0);
    let repeat = match repeat_int {
        -1 => Repeat::Finite(0),
        0 => Repeat::Infinite,
        _ => Repeat::Finite(repeat_int as u16),

    let extra = matches.get_flag("extra");
    let motion_quality = matches.get_one::<u8>("motion-quality").copied();
    let lossy_quality = matches.get_one::<u8>("lossy-quality").copied();
    let fast = matches.get_flag("fast");
    let settings = Settings {
        quality: matches.get_one::<u8>("quality").copied().unwrap_or(100),
    let quiet = matches.get_flag("quiet") || output_path == DestPath::Stdout;
    let fps: f32 = matches.get_one::<f32>("fps").copied().ok_or("?")?;
    let speed: f32 = matches.get_one::<f32>("fast-forward").copied().ok_or("?")?;

    let rate = source::Fps { fps, speed };

    if settings.quality < 20 {
        if settings.quality < 1 {
            return Err("Quality too low".into());
        } else if !quiet {
            eprintln!("warning: quality {} will give really bad results", settings.quality);
    } else if settings.quality > 100 {
        return Err("Quality 100 is maximum".into());

    if speed > 1000.0 || speed <= 0.0 {
        return Err("Fast-forward must be 0..1000".into());

    if fps > 100.0 || fps <= 0.0 {
        return Err("100 fps is maximum".into());
    else if !quiet && fps > 50.0 {
        eprintln!("warning: web browsers support max 50 fps");


    let mut decoder = if let [path] = &frames[..] {
        match file_type(path).unwrap_or(FileType::Other) {
            FileType::PNG | FileType::JPEG => return Err("Only a single image file was given as an input. This is not enough to make an animation.".into()),
            FileType::GIF => {
                if !quiet && (width.is_none() && settings.quality > 50) {
                    eprintln!("warning: reading an existing GIF as an input. This can only worsen the quality. Use PNG frames instead.");
                Box::new(gif::GifDecoder::new(path, rate)?)
            _ if path.is_dir() => {
                return Err(format!("{} is a directory, not a PNG file", path.display()).into());
            _ => get_video_decoder(path, rate, settings)?,
    } else {
        if let Ok(FileType::JPEG) = file_type(&frames[0]) {
            return Err("JPEG format is unsuitable for conversion to GIF.\n\n\
                JPEG's compression artifacts and color space are very problematic for palette-based\n\
                compression. Please don't use JPEG for making GIF animations. Please re-export\n\
                your animation using the PNG format.".into())
        if speed != 1.0 {
            return Err("Speed is for videos. It doesn't make sense for images. Use fps only".into());
        Box::new(png::Lodecoder::new(frames, rate))

    let mut pb;
    let mut nopb = NoProgress {};
    let progress: &mut dyn ProgressReporter = if quiet {
        &mut nopb
    } else {
        pb = ProgressBar::new(decoder.total_frames().unwrap_or(100));
        pb.show_speed = false;
        pb.show_percent = false;
        pb.format(" #_. ");
        pb.message("Frame ");
        &mut pb

    let (mut collector, mut writer) = gifski::new(settings)?;
    if extra {
    if let Some(motion_quality) = motion_quality {
    if let Some(lossy_quality) = lossy_quality {
    let decode_thread = thread::Builder::new().name("decode".into()).spawn(move || {
        decoder.collect(&mut collector)

    let mut file_tmp;
    let mut stdio_tmp;
    let out: &mut dyn io::Write = match output_path {
        DestPath::Path(p) => {
            file_tmp = File::create(p)
                .map_err(|e| format!("Can't write to {}: {e}", p.display()))?;
            &mut file_tmp
        DestPath::Stdout => {
            stdio_tmp = io::stdout().lock();
            &mut stdio_tmp
    writer.write(io::BufWriter::new(out), progress)?;
    decode_thread.join().map_err(|_| "thread died?")??;
    progress.done(&format!("gifski created {output_path}"));


enum FileType {
    PNG, GIF, JPEG, Other,

fn file_type(path: &Path) -> BinResult<FileType> {
    let mut file = std::fs::File::open(path)?;
    let mut buf = [0; 4];
    file.read_exact(&mut buf)?;

    if &buf == b"\x89PNG" {
        return Ok(FileType::PNG);
    if &buf == b"GIF8" {
        return Ok(FileType::GIF);
    if buf[..2] == [0xFF, 0xD8] {
        return Ok(FileType::JPEG);

fn check_if_paths_exist(paths: &[PathBuf]) -> BinResult<()> {
    for path in paths {
        if !path.exists() {
            let mut msg = format!("Unable to find the input file: \"{}\"", path.display());
            if path.to_str().map_or(false, |p| p.contains('*')) {
                msg += "\nThe path contains a literal \"*\" character. Either no files matched the pattern, or the pattern was in quotes.";
            } else if path.extension() == Some("gif".as_ref()) {
                msg = format!("Did you mean to use -o \"{}\" to specify it as the output file instead?", path.display());
            } else if path.is_relative() {
                msg += &format!(" (searched in \"{}\")", env::current_dir()?.display());
            return Err(msg.into())

enum DestPath<'a> {
    Path(&'a Path),

impl<'a> DestPath<'a> {
    pub fn new(path: &'a Path) -> Self {
        if path.as_os_str() == "-" {
        } else {

impl fmt::Display for DestPath<'_> {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
        match self {
            Self::Path(orig_path) => {
                let abs_path = dunce::canonicalize(orig_path);
                abs_path.as_ref().map(|p| p.as_path()).unwrap_or(orig_path).display().fmt(f)
            Self::Stdout => f.write_str("stdout"),

#[cfg(feature = "video")]
fn get_video_decoder(path: &Path, fps: source::Fps, settings: Settings) -> BinResult<Box<dyn Source + Send>> {
    Ok(Box::new(ffmpeg_source::FfmpegDecoder::new(path, fps, settings)?))

#[cfg(not(feature = "video"))]
fn get_video_decoder(_: &Path, _: source::Fps, _: Settings) -> BinResult<Box<dyn Source + Send>> {
    Err(r"Video support is permanently disabled in this executable.

To enable video decoding you need to recompile gifski from source with:
cargo build --release --features=video
cargo install gifski --features=video

Alternatively, use ffmpeg command to export PNG frames, and then specify
the PNG files as input for this executable. Instructions on