gifski 0.8.7

pngquant-based GIF maker for nice-looking animGIFs
//! How to use from C
//! Please note that it is impossible to use this API in a single-threaded program.
//!   You must have at least two threads -- one for adding the frames, and another for writing.
//!  ```c
//!  gifski *g = gifski_new(&settings);
//!  // Call asynchronously on a decoder thread:
//!  {
//!     gifski_add_frame_rgba(g, i, width, height, buffer, 5);
//!     gifski_end_adding_frames(g);
//!  }
//!  // Call on encoder thread:
//!  gifski_write(g, "file.gif"); // blocking
//!  gifski_drop(g); // must be on the same thread as gifski_write() call
//!  ```
//!  It's safe to call `gifski_drop()` after `gifski_write()`, because `gifski_write()` blocks until `gifski_end_adding_frames()` is called.
//!  It's safe and efficient to call `gifski_add_frame_*` in a loop as fast as you can get frames,
//!  because it blocks and waits until previous frames are written.

use super::*;
use std::os::raw::{c_char, c_int, c_void};
use std::ptr;
use std::mem;
use std::slice;
use std::fs;
use std::io;
use std::sync::Arc;
use std::sync::Mutex;
use std::fs::File;
use std::ffi::CStr;
use std::path::{PathBuf, Path};

/// Settings for creating a new encoder instance. See `gifski_new`
#[derive(Copy, Clone)]
pub struct GifskiSettings {
    /// Resize to max this width if non-0
    pub width: u32,
    /// Resize to max this height if width is non-0. Note that aspect ratio is not preserved.
    pub height: u32,
    /// 1-100, but useful range is 50-100. Recommended to set to 100.
    pub quality: u8,
    /// If true, looping is disabled. Recommended false (looping on).
    pub once: bool,
    /// Lower quality, but faster encode.
    pub fast: bool,

#[derive(Copy, Clone)]
pub struct ARGB8 {
    pub a: u8,
    pub r: u8,
    pub g: u8,
    pub b: u8,

/// Opaque handle used in methods
pub struct GifskiHandle {
    writer: Mutex<Option<Writer>>,
    collector: Mutex<Option<Collector>>,
    progress: Mutex<Option<ProgressCallback>>,

#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
pub enum GifskiError {
    OK = 0,

impl From<CatResult<()>> for GifskiError {
    fn from(res: CatResult<()>) -> Self {
        use crate::error::ErrorKind::*;
        match res {
            Ok(_) => GifskiError::OK,
            Err(err) => match *err.kind() {
                Quant(_) => GifskiError::QUANT,
                Pal(_) => GifskiError::GIF,
                ThreadSend => GifskiError::THREAD_LOST,
                Io(ref err) => err.kind().into(),
                _ => GifskiError::OTHER,

impl From<io::ErrorKind> for GifskiError {
    fn from(res: io::ErrorKind) -> Self {
        use std::io::ErrorKind as EK;
        match res {
            EK::NotFound => GifskiError::NOT_FOUND,
            EK::PermissionDenied => GifskiError::PERMISSION_DENIED,
            EK::AlreadyExists => GifskiError::ALREADY_EXISTS,
            EK::InvalidInput | EK::InvalidData => GifskiError::INVALID_INPUT,
            EK::TimedOut => GifskiError::TIMED_OUT,
            EK::WriteZero => GifskiError::WRITE_ZERO,
            EK::Interrupted => GifskiError::INTERRUPTED,
            EK::UnexpectedEof => GifskiError::UNEXPECTED_EOF,
            _ => GifskiError::OTHER,

/// Call to start the process
/// See `gifski_add_frame_png_file` and `gifski_end_adding_frames`
pub extern "C" fn gifski_new(settings: *const GifskiSettings) -> *const GifskiHandle {
    let settings = unsafe {if let Some(s) = settings.as_ref() {s} else {
        return ptr::null_mut();
    let s = Settings {
        width: if settings.width > 0 {Some(settings.width)} else {None},
        height: if settings.height > 0 {Some(settings.height)} else {None},
        quality: settings.quality,
        once: settings.once,

    if let Ok((collector, writer)) = new(s) {
        Arc::into_raw(Arc::new(GifskiHandle {
            writer: Mutex::new(Some(writer)),
            collector: Mutex::new(Some(collector)),
            progress: Mutex::new(None),
    } else {

/// File path must be valid UTF-8. This function is asynchronous.
/// Delay is in 1/100ths of a second.
/// While you add frames, `gifski_write()` should be running already on another thread.
/// If `gifski_write()` is not running already, it may make `gifski_add_frame_*` block and wait for
/// write to start.
/// Call `gifski_end_adding_frames()` after you add all frames.
/// Returns 0 (`GIFSKI_OK`) on success, and non-0 `GIFSKI_*` constant on error.
pub extern "C" fn gifski_add_frame_png_file(handle: *const GifskiHandle, index: u32, file_path: *const c_char, delay: u16) -> GifskiError {
    if file_path.is_null() {
        return GifskiError::NULL_ARG;
    let g = match unsafe { handle.as_ref() } {
        Some(g) => g,
        None => return GifskiError::NULL_ARG,
    let path = if let Ok(s) = unsafe { CStr::from_ptr(file_path).to_str() } {
    } else {
        return GifskiError::INVALID_INPUT;
    if let Some(ref mut c) = *g.collector.lock().unwrap() {
        c.add_frame_png_file(index as usize, path, delay).into()
    } else {
        eprintln!("frames can't be added any more, because gifski_end_adding_frames has been called already");

/// Pixels is an array width×height×4 bytes large. The array is copied, so you can free/reuse it immediately.
/// Delay is in 1/100ths of a second.
/// While you add frames, `gifski_write()` should be running already on another thread.
/// If `gifski_write()` is not running already, it may make `gifski_add_frame_*` block and wait for
/// write to start.
/// Call `gifski_end_adding_frames()` after you add all frames.
/// Returns 0 (`GIFSKI_OK`) on success, and non-0 `GIFSKI_*` constant on error.
pub extern "C" fn gifski_add_frame_rgba(handle: *const GifskiHandle, index: u32, width: u32, height: u32, pixels: *const RGBA8, delay: u16) -> GifskiError {
    if pixels.is_null() {
        return GifskiError::NULL_ARG;
    let pixels = unsafe {
        slice::from_raw_parts(pixels, width as usize * height as usize)
    add_frame_rgba(handle, index, ImgVec::new(pixels.to_owned(), width as usize, height as usize), delay)

fn add_frame_rgba(handle: *const GifskiHandle, index: u32, frame: ImgVec<RGBA8>, delay: u16) -> GifskiError {
    let g = match unsafe { handle.as_ref() } {
        Some(g) => g,
        None => return GifskiError::NULL_ARG,
    if let Some(ref mut c) = *g.collector.lock().unwrap() {
        c.add_frame_rgba(index as usize, frame, delay).into()
    } else {
        eprintln!("frames can't be added any more, because gifski_end_adding_frames has been called already");

/// Same as `gifski_add_frame_rgba`, except it expects components in ARGB order
/// Bytes per row must be multiple of 4 and greater or equal width×4.
pub extern "C" fn gifski_add_frame_argb(handle: *const GifskiHandle, index: u32, width: u32, bytes_per_row: u32, height: u32, pixels: *const ARGB8, delay: u16) -> GifskiError {
    if pixels.is_null() {
        return GifskiError::NULL_ARG;
    let width = width as usize;
    let stride = bytes_per_row as usize / mem::size_of_val(unsafe{&*pixels});
    if stride < width {
        return GifskiError::INVALID_INPUT;
    let pixels = unsafe {
        slice::from_raw_parts(pixels, stride * height as usize)
    add_frame_rgba(handle, index, ImgVec::new(pixels.chunks(stride).flat_map(|r| r[0..width].iter().map(|p| RGBA8 {
        r: p.r,
        g: p.g,
        b: p.b,
        a: p.a,
    })).collect(), width as usize, height as usize), delay)

/// Same as `gifski_add_frame_rgba`, except it expects RGB components (3 bytes per pixel)
/// Bytes per row must be multiple of 3 and greater or equal width×3.
pub extern "C" fn gifski_add_frame_rgb(handle: *const GifskiHandle, index: u32, width: u32, bytes_per_row: u32, height: u32, pixels: *const RGB8, delay: u16) -> GifskiError {
    if pixels.is_null() {
        return GifskiError::NULL_ARG;
    let width = width as usize;
    let stride = bytes_per_row as usize / mem::size_of_val(unsafe{&*pixels});
    if stride < width {
        return GifskiError::INVALID_INPUT;
    let pixels = unsafe {
        slice::from_raw_parts(pixels, stride * height as usize)
    add_frame_rgba(handle, index, ImgVec::new(pixels.chunks(stride).flat_map(|r| r[0..width].iter().map(|&p| p.into())).collect(), width as usize, height as usize), delay)

/// You must call it at some point (after all frames are set), otherwise `gifski_write()` will never end!
pub extern "C" fn gifski_end_adding_frames(handle: *const GifskiHandle) -> GifskiError {
    let g = match unsafe { handle.as_ref() } {
        Some(g) => g,
        None => return GifskiError::NULL_ARG,
    match g.collector.lock().unwrap().take() {
        Some(_) => GifskiError::OK,
        None => {
            eprintln!("gifski_end_adding_frames has been called already");

/// Get a callback for frame processed, and abort processing if desired.
/// The callback is called once per frame.
/// It gets arbitrary pointer (`user_data`) as an argument. `user_data` can be `NULL`.
/// The callback must be thread-safe (it will be called from another thread).
/// The callback must return `1` to continue processing, or `0` to abort.
/// Must be called before `gifski_write()` to take effect.
pub extern "C" fn gifski_set_progress_callback(handle: *const GifskiHandle, cb: unsafe fn(*mut c_void) -> c_int, user_data: *mut c_void) {
    let g = match unsafe { handle.as_ref() } {
        Some(g) => g,
        None => return,
    *g.progress.lock().unwrap() = Some(ProgressCallback::new(cb, user_data));

/// Start writing to the `destination` and keep waiting for more frames until `gifski_end_adding_frames()` is called.
/// This call will block until the entire file is written. You will need to add frames on another thread.
/// Returns 0 (`GIFSKI_OK`) on success, and non-0 `GIFSKI_*` constant on error.
pub extern "C" fn gifski_write(handle: *const GifskiHandle, destination: *const c_char) -> GifskiError {
    if destination.is_null() {
        return GifskiError::NULL_ARG;
    let g = match unsafe { handle.as_ref() } {
        Some(g) => g,
        None => return GifskiError::NULL_ARG,
    let path = if let Ok(s) = unsafe { CStr::from_ptr(destination).to_str() } {
    } else {
        return GifskiError::INVALID_INPUT;
    match File::create(path) {
        Ok(file) => {
            if let Some(writer) = g.writer.lock().unwrap().take() {
                let mut cb;
                let mut progress: &mut dyn ProgressReporter = &mut NoProgress {};
                if let Some(tmp) = g.progress.lock().unwrap().take() {
                    cb = tmp;
                    progress = &mut cb;
                match writer.write(file, progress).into() {
                    res @ GifskiError::OK |
                    res @ GifskiError::ALREADY_EXISTS => res,
                    err => {
                        let _ = fs::remove_file(path); // clean up unfinished file
            } else {
                eprintln!("gifski_write has been called already");
        Err(err) => err.kind().into(),

/// Call to free all memory
pub extern "C" fn gifski_drop(g: *const GifskiHandle) {
    if !g.is_null() {
        unsafe {

fn c() {
    let g = gifski_new(&GifskiSettings {
        width: 0, height: 0,
        quality: 100,
        once: false,
        fast: true,

    let rgb: *const RGB8 = ptr::null();
    assert_eq!(3, mem::size_of_val(unsafe{&*rgb}));

    assert_eq!(GifskiError::NULL_ARG, gifski_add_frame_rgba(g, 0, 1, 1, ptr::null(), 5));
    fn cb(_: *mut c_void) -> c_int {
    gifski_set_progress_callback(g, cb, ptr::null_mut());
    assert_eq!(GifskiError::OK, gifski_add_frame_rgba(g, 0, 1, 1, &RGBA::new(0,0,0,0), 5));
    assert_eq!(GifskiError::OK, gifski_add_frame_rgb(g, 1, 1, 3, 1, &RGB::new(0,0,0), 5));
    assert_eq!(GifskiError::OK, gifski_end_adding_frames(g));
    assert_eq!(GifskiError::INVALID_STATE, gifski_end_adding_frames(g));