[][src]Crate ghost_actor

A simple, ergonomic, idiomatic, macro for generating the boilerplate to use rust futures tasks in a concurrent actor style.

What is GhostActor?

GhostActor boils down to a macro that helps you write all the boilerplate needed to treat a Future like an actor. When you "spawn" a GhostActor, you receive a handle called a "Sender", that allows you to make async requests and inline await async responses to/from you actor implementation's driver task.

The senders are cheaply clone-able allowing you to easily execute any number of parallel workflows with your task. When all senders are dropped, or if you explicitly call ghost_actor_shutdown(), the driver task (a.k.a. your Actor) will end.


use must_future::*;

#[derive(Debug, thiserror::Error)]
pub enum MyError {
    GhostError(#[from] ghost_actor::GhostError),

ghost_actor::ghost_actor! {
    // Set the visibility of your actor.
    // Name your actor.
    // Specify the Error type for your actor.
    // The error type must implement `From<GhostError>`.

    /// Api Docs that should appear on the Sender type for your actor.
    pub actor MyActor<MyError> {
        // specify your actor api

        /// This string will be applied as docs to sender/handler.
        fn add_one(
            // any api params here
            input: u32,
        ) -> u32; // return type here

/// An example implementation of the example MyActor GhostActor.
struct MyActorImpl;

// The generics for a handler are:
// 1 - the "custom" type you'd like to allow users of your api to send in.
// 2 - the "internal" type you'd like your handlers to send in.
// It is highly recommended to use a `ghost_chan!` type for these.
// However, if you have no use for these capabilities, use `()`.
impl MyActorHandler<(), ()> for MyActorImpl {
    fn handle_add_one(
        &mut self,
        input: u32,
    ) -> MyActorHandlerResult<u32> {
        Ok(async move {
            Ok(input + 1)

impl MyActorImpl {
    /// Rather than using ghost_actor_spawn directly, use this simple spawn.
    pub async fn spawn() -> MyActorSender {
        use futures::future::FutureExt;

        let (sender, driver) = MyActorSender::ghost_actor_spawn(|_internal_sender| {
            async move {



async fn main() {
    let mut sender = MyActorImpl::spawn().await;

    assert_eq!(43, sender.add_one(42).await.unwrap());


    let res = format!("{:?}", sender.add_one(42).await);
    if &res != "Err(GhostError(SendError(SendError { kind: Disconnected })))"
        && &res != "Err(GhostError(ResponseError(Canceled)))"
        panic!("expected send error");

Implementing a Handler

The ghost_actor! macro is going to generate a "[Name]Handler" trait. To provide an implementation for your ghost_actor! type, you need an item that implements this trait (see example above).

In addition to all the handle_* methods that are auto-generated per the Api section in the macro, there are also provided implementations for handle_ghost_actor_custom and handle_ghost_actor_internal.

Please see any of the unit tests (or run cargo doc on a module containing your ghost_actor! macro invocation) for examples on how to implement a handler.

Implementing a Spawn function

While you can absolutely require users of your api to call YourTypeSender::ghost_actor_spawn(...) and instantiate your handler type inside the callback, it might be polite to provide a function that requires a little less boilerplate.

See the example above, however, there may be no need to expose the implemented item type at all, you could, for example:

use must_future::*;

/// internal private type
struct MyActorImpl;

impl MyActorHandler<(), ()> for MyActorImpl {
    // ...

/// Rather than using ghost_actor_spawn directly, use this simple spawn.
/// This spawn makes an assumption that we are in a tokio runtime,
/// if we don't want to make that assumption, we can also return the
/// driver future here.
pub async fn spawn_my_actor() -> MyActorSender {
    use futures::future::FutureExt;

    let (sender, driver) = MyActorSender::ghost_actor_spawn(|_internal_sender| {
        async move {



The ghost_chan! macro.

The ghost_chan! macro has an identical API to the ghost_actor! macro. And, in fact, the ghost_actor! macro invokes ghost_chan! to produce an internal enum for sending messages from your Sender struct.

When implementing a ghost actor Handler that will make use of Custom and/or Internal types, it is recommended to use a ghost_chan! enum as this type.

See the unit/integration tests for examples on making use of these.



Re-exported dependencies to help with macro references.


The ghost_chan! macro generates an enum and helper types that make it easy to make inline async requests and await responses.



Call ghost_actor! to generate the boilerplate for GhostActor implementations.


The ghost_chan! macro generates an enum and helper types that make it easy to make inline async requests and await responses.



Ghost error type.

Type Definitions


This future represents a spawned GhostActor task, you must await or spawn this task into an executor for the actor to function.


Ghost Result Type.