ghost_actor 0.1.0-alpha.9

A simple, ergonomic, idiomatic, macro for generating the boilerplate to use rust futures tasks in a concurrent actor style.
# Run tests using local system tools, rather than nix-shell versions
# Attempts to first ensure the tool versions are compatible
# Note: You probably want to run the nix-shell version before pushing code

.PHONY: all publish test fmt clean tools tool_rust tool_fmt tool_readme

RUSTFLAGS += -D warnings

SHELL = /usr/bin/env sh

ENV = RUSTFLAGS='$(RUSTFLAGS)' CARGO_BUILD_JOBS='$(shell nproc || sysctl -n hw.physicalcpu)' NUM_JOBS='$(shell nproc || sysctl -n hw.physicalcpu)' CARGO_INCREMENTAL='1'

all: test

publish: tools
	git diff --exit-code
	cargo publish
	VER="v$$(grep version Cargo.toml | head -1 | cut -d ' ' -f 3 | cut -d \" -f 2)"; git tag -a $$VER -m $$VER
	git push --tags

test: tools
	$(ENV) cargo fmt -- --check
	$(ENV) cargo clippy
	$(ENV) RUST_BACKTRACE=1 cargo test
	$(ENV) cargo readme -o
	@if [ "${CI}x" != "x" ]; then git diff --exit-code; fi

fmt: tools
	cargo fmt

	$(ENV) cargo clean

tools: tool_rust tool_fmt tool_clippy tool_readme

	@if rustup --version >/dev/null 2>&1; then \
		echo "# Makefile # found rustup, setting override stable"; \
		rustup override set stable; \
	else \
		echo "# Makefile # rustup not found, hopefully we're on stable"; \

tool_fmt: tool_rust
	@if ! (cargo fmt --version); \
	then \
		if rustup --version >/dev/null 2>&1; then \
			echo "# Makefile # installing rustfmt with rustup"; \
			rustup component add rustfmt-preview; \
		else \
			echo "# Makefile # rustup not found, cannot install rustfmt"; \
			exit 1; \
		fi; \
	else \
		echo "# Makefile # rustfmt ok"; \

tool_clippy: tool_rust
	@if ! (cargo clippy --version); \
	then \
		if rustup --version >/dev/null 2>&1; then \
			echo "# Makefile # installing clippy with rustup"; \
			rustup component add clippy-preview; \
		else \
			echo "# Makefile # rustup not found, cannot install clippy"; \
			exit 1; \
		fi; \
	else \
		echo "# Makefile # clippy ok"; \

tool_readme: tool_rust
	@if ! (cargo readme --version); \
	then \
		cargo install cargo-readme; \
	else \
		echo "# Makefile # readme ok"; \