ghimlink 0.1.0

Generates a Github-Flavoured-Markdown formatted image link to an image in the same repository.
ghimlink-0.1.0 is not a library.

Ghimlink (Github Image Linker)

A simple command-line application for generating a Github-Flavoured-Markdown image link for a file in your repository.

Simple Usage

For example, if we want to link to gimli.png and link.jpg in this repository's res/ directory, we could do so as follows:

ghimlink ./res/gimli.png
Enter alt text: Gimli

ghimlink ./res/link.jpg 
Enter alt text: Link

Giving us:

Gimli Link

Ghimlink will handle retreiving your Github remote data automatically (as long as you have a valid origin remote on Github).

Advanced Usage

ghimlink 0.1.0
Paul Cowie <>
Generates a Github-Flavoured-Markdown formatted image link to an image in the same repository.

    ghimlink [OPTIONS] <IMAGE_PATH>

    -h, --help       Prints help information
    -V, --version    Prints version information

    -a, --alt_text <ALT_TEXT>     Sets the alt-text for the image
    -b, --branch <BRANCH_NAME>    Sets the file's branch name (defaults to master)

    <IMAGE_PATH>    Path to the image file


With Cargo:

cargo install ghimlink


  • Add support for remotes other than origin.