Function ggez::timer::check_update_time

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pub fn check_update_time(ctx: &mut Context, target_fps: u32) -> bool
👎Deprecated: Use ctx.time.check_update_time instead
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Check whether or not the desired amount of time has elapsed since the last frame.

The intention is to use this in your update call to control how often game logic is updated per frame (see the astroblasto example).

Calling this decreases a timer inside the context if the function returns true. If called in a loop it may therefore return true once, twice or not at all, depending on how much time elapsed since the last frame.

For more info on the idea behind this see

Due to the global nature of this timer it’s desirable to only use this function at one point of your code. If you want to limit the frame rate in both game logic and drawing consider writing your own event loop, or using a dirty bit for when to redraw graphics, which is set whenever the game logic runs.