ggez 0.8.0-rc1

A lightweight game framework for making 2D games with minimum friction, inspired by Love2D.
//! Provides an interface to output sound to the user's speakers.
//! It consists of two main types: [`SoundData`](struct.SoundData.html)
//! is just an array of raw sound data bytes, and a [`Source`](struct.Source.html) is a
//! `SoundData` connected to a particular sound channel ready to be played.
#![cfg(feature = "audio")]

use std::fmt;
use std::io;
use std::io::Read;
use std::mem;
use std::path;
use std::time;

use std::sync::atomic::{AtomicUsize, Ordering};
use std::sync::Arc;

use crate::context::Has;
use crate::error::GameError;
use crate::error::GameResult;
use crate::filesystem::Filesystem;
use crate::filesystem::InternalClone;

/// A struct that contains all information for tracking sound info.
/// You generally don't have to create this yourself, it will be part
/// of your `Context` object.
pub struct AudioContext {
    fs: Filesystem,
    _stream: rodio::OutputStream,
    stream_handle: rodio::OutputStreamHandle,

impl AudioContext {
    /// Create new `AudioContext`.
    pub fn new(fs: &Filesystem) -> GameResult<Self> {
        let (stream, stream_handle) = rodio::OutputStream::try_default().map_err(|_e| {
                "Could not initialize sound system using default output device (for some reason)",
        Ok(Self {
            fs: InternalClone::clone(fs),
            _stream: stream,

impl AudioContext {
    /// Returns the audio device.
    pub fn device(&self) -> &rodio::OutputStreamHandle {

impl fmt::Debug for AudioContext {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
        write!(f, "<AudioContext: {:p}>", self)

/// Static sound data stored in memory.
/// It is `Arc`'ed, so cheap to clone.
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub struct SoundData(Arc<[u8]>);

impl SoundData {
    /// Load the file at the given path and create a new `SoundData` from it.
    pub fn new<P: AsRef<path::Path>>(fs: &impl Has<Filesystem>, path: P) -> GameResult<Self> {
        let fs = fs.retrieve();
        let path = path.as_ref();
        let file = &mut;

    /// Copies the data in the given slice into a new `SoundData` object.
    pub fn from_bytes(data: &[u8]) -> Self {

    /// Creates a `SoundData` from any `Read` object; this involves
    /// copying it into a buffer.
    pub fn from_read<R>(reader: &mut R) -> GameResult<Self>
        R: Read,
        let mut buffer = Vec::new();
        let _ = reader.read_to_end(&mut buffer)?;


    /// Indicates if the data can be played as a sound.
    pub fn can_play(&self) -> bool {
        let cursor = io::Cursor::new(self.clone());

impl From<Arc<[u8]>> for SoundData {
    fn from(arc: Arc<[u8]>) -> Self {

impl From<Vec<u8>> for SoundData {
    fn from(v: Vec<u8>) -> Self {

impl From<Box<[u8]>> for SoundData {
    fn from(b: Box<[u8]>) -> Self {

impl AsRef<[u8]> for SoundData {
    fn as_ref(&self) -> &[u8] {

/// A trait defining the operations possible on a sound;
/// it is implemented by both `Source` and `SpatialSource`.
pub trait SoundSource {
    /// Plays the audio source; restarts the sound if currently playing
    fn play(&mut self, audio: &impl Has<AudioContext>) -> GameResult {
        let audio = audio.retrieve();

    /// Plays the `SoundSource`; waits until done if the sound is currently playing
    fn play_later(&self) -> GameResult;

    /// Play source "in the background"; cannot be stopped
    fn play_detached(&mut self, audio: &impl Has<AudioContext>) -> GameResult;

    /// Sets the source to repeat playback infinitely on next [`play()`](
    fn set_repeat(&mut self, repeat: bool);

    /// Sets the fade-in time of the source
    fn set_fade_in(&mut self, dur: time::Duration);

    /// Sets the time from which playback begins, skipping audio up to that point.
    /// Calls to [`elapsed()`](#tymethod.elapsed) will measure from this point, ignoring skipped time.
    /// Effects such as [`set_fade_in()`](#tymethod.set_fade_in) or [`set_pitch()`](#tymethod.set_pitch)
    /// will apply from this new start.
    /// If [`set_repeat()`](#tymethod.set_repeat) is set to true, then after looping, the audio will return
    /// to the original beginning of the source, rather than the time specified here.
    fn set_start(&mut self, dur: time::Duration);

    /// Sets the speed ratio (by adjusting the playback speed)
    fn set_pitch(&mut self, ratio: f32);

    /// Gets whether or not the source is set to repeat.
    fn repeat(&self) -> bool;

    /// Pauses playback
    fn pause(&self);

    /// Resumes playback
    fn resume(&self);

    /// Stops playback
    fn stop(&mut self, audio: &impl Has<AudioContext>) -> GameResult;

    /// Returns whether or not the source is stopped
    /// -- that is, has no more data to play.
    fn stopped(&self) -> bool;

    /// Gets the current volume.
    fn volume(&self) -> f32;

    /// Sets the current volume.
    fn set_volume(&mut self, value: f32);

    /// Get whether or not the source is paused.
    fn paused(&self) -> bool;

    /// Get whether or not the source is playing (ie, not paused
    /// and not stopped).
    fn playing(&self) -> bool;

    /// Get the time the source has been playing since the last call to [`play()`](
    /// Time measurement is based on audio samples consumed, so it may drift from the system
    fn elapsed(&self) -> time::Duration;

    /// Set the update interval of the internal sample counter.
    /// This parameter determines the precision of the time measured by [`elapsed()`](#method.elapsed).
    fn set_query_interval(&mut self, t: time::Duration);

/// Internal state used by audio sources.
pub(crate) struct SourceState {
    data: io::Cursor<SoundData>,
    repeat: bool,
    fade_in: time::Duration,
    skip_duration: time::Duration,
    speed: f32,
    query_interval: time::Duration,
    play_time: Arc<AtomicUsize>,

impl SourceState {
    /// Create a new `SourceState` based around the given `SoundData`
    pub fn new(cursor: io::Cursor<SoundData>) -> Self {
        SourceState {
            data: cursor,
            repeat: false,
            fade_in: time::Duration::from_millis(0),
            skip_duration: time::Duration::from_millis(0),
            speed: 1.0,
            query_interval: time::Duration::from_millis(100),
            play_time: Arc::new(AtomicUsize::new(0)),
    /// Sets the source to repeat playback infinitely on next [`play()`](
    pub fn set_repeat(&mut self, repeat: bool) {
        self.repeat = repeat;

    /// Sets the fade-in time of the source.
    pub fn set_fade_in(&mut self, dur: time::Duration) {
        self.fade_in = dur;

    pub fn set_start(&mut self, dur: time::Duration) {
        self.skip_duration = dur;

    /// Sets the pitch ratio (by adjusting the playback speed).
    pub fn set_pitch(&mut self, ratio: f32) {
        self.speed = ratio;

    /// Gets whether or not the source is set to repeat.
    pub fn repeat(&self) -> bool {

    /// Get the time the source has been playing since the last call to [`play()`](
    /// Time measurement is based on audio samples consumed, so it may drift from the system
    /// clock over longer periods of time.
    pub fn elapsed(&self) -> time::Duration {
        let t = self.play_time.load(Ordering::SeqCst);
        time::Duration::from_micros(t as u64)

    /// Set the update interval of the internal sample counter.
    /// This parameter determines the precision of the time measured by [`elapsed()`](#method.elapsed).
    pub fn set_query_interval(&mut self, t: time::Duration) {
        self.query_interval = t;

/// A source of audio data that is connected to an output
/// channel and ready to play.  It will stop playing when
/// dropped.
// TODO LATER: Check and see if this matches Love2d's semantics!
// Eventually it might read from a streaming decoder of some kind,
// but for now it is just an in-memory SoundData structure.
// The source of a rodio decoder must be Send, which something
// that contains a reference to a ZipFile is not, so we are going
// to just slurp all the data into memory for now.
// There's really a lot of work that needs to be done here, since
// rodio has gotten better (if still somewhat arcane) and our filesystem
// code has done the data-slurping-from-zip's for us
// but for now it works.
pub struct Source {
    sink: rodio::Sink,
    state: SourceState,

impl Source {
    /// Create a new `Source` from the given file.
    pub fn new<P: AsRef<path::Path>>(ctxs: &impl Has<AudioContext>, path: P) -> GameResult<Self> {
        let audio = ctxs.retrieve();
        let path = path.as_ref();
        let data = SoundData::new(&audio.fs, path)?;
        Source::from_data(audio, data)

    /// Creates a new `Source` using the given `SoundData` object.
    pub fn from_data(audio: &impl Has<AudioContext>, data: SoundData) -> GameResult<Self> {
        let audio = audio.retrieve();
        if !data.can_play() {
            return Err(GameError::AudioError(
                "Could not decode the given audio data".to_string(),
        let sink = rodio::Sink::try_new(audio.device())?;
        let cursor = io::Cursor::new(data);
        Ok(Source {
            state: SourceState::new(cursor),

impl SoundSource for Source {
    fn play_later(&self) -> GameResult {
        // Creating a new Decoder each time seems a little messy,
        // since it may do checking and data-type detection that is
        // redundant, but it's not super expensive.
        // See for discussion
        use rodio::Source;
        let cursor =;

        let counter = self.state.play_time.clone();
        let period_mus = self.state.query_interval.as_secs() as usize * 1_000_000
            + self.state.query_interval.subsec_micros() as usize;

        if self.state.repeat {
            let sound = rodio::Decoder::new(cursor)?
                .periodic_access(self.state.query_interval, move |_| {
                    let _ = counter.fetch_add(period_mus, Ordering::SeqCst);
        } else {
            let sound = rodio::Decoder::new(cursor)?
                .periodic_access(self.state.query_interval, move |_| {
                    let _ = counter.fetch_add(period_mus, Ordering::SeqCst);


    fn play_detached(&mut self, audio: &impl Has<AudioContext>) -> GameResult {
        let audio = audio.retrieve();

        let new_sink = rodio::Sink::try_new(audio.device())?;
        let old_sink = mem::replace(&mut self.sink, new_sink);


    fn set_repeat(&mut self, repeat: bool) {
    fn set_fade_in(&mut self, dur: time::Duration) {
    fn set_start(&mut self, dur: time::Duration) {
    fn set_pitch(&mut self, ratio: f32) {
    fn repeat(&self) -> bool {
    fn pause(&self) {
    fn resume(&self) {

    fn stop(&mut self, audio: &impl Has<AudioContext>) -> GameResult {
        let audio = audio.retrieve();
        // Sinks cannot be reused after calling `.stop()`. See
        // for information.
        // To stop the current sound we have to drop the old sink and
        // create a new one in its place.
        // This is most ugly because in order to create a new sink
        // we need a `device`. However, we can only get the default
        // device without having access to a context. Currently that's
        // fine because the `AudioContext` uses the default device too,
        // but it may cause problems in the future if devices become
        // customizable.

        // We also need to carry over information from the previous sink.
        let volume = self.volume();

        let device = audio.device();
        self.sink = rodio::Sink::try_new(device)?;, Ordering::SeqCst);

        // Restore information from the previous link.

    fn stopped(&self) -> bool {

    fn volume(&self) -> f32 {

    fn set_volume(&mut self, value: f32) {

    fn paused(&self) -> bool {

    fn playing(&self) -> bool {
        !self.paused() && !self.stopped()

    fn elapsed(&self) -> time::Duration {

    fn set_query_interval(&mut self, t: time::Duration) {

impl fmt::Debug for Source {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
        write!(f, "<Audio source: {:p}>", self)

/// A source of audio data located in space relative to a listener's ears.
/// Will stop playing when dropped.
pub struct SpatialSource {
    sink: rodio::SpatialSink,
    state: SourceState,
    left_ear: mint::Point3<f32>,
    right_ear: mint::Point3<f32>,
    emitter_position: mint::Point3<f32>,

impl SpatialSource {
    /// Create a new `SpatialSource` from the given file.
    pub fn new<P: AsRef<path::Path>>(
        fs: &impl Has<Filesystem>,
        audio: &impl Has<AudioContext>,
        path: P,
    ) -> GameResult<Self> {
        let path = path.as_ref();
        let data = SoundData::new(fs, path)?;
        SpatialSource::from_data(audio, data)

    /// Creates a new `SpatialSource` using the given `SoundData` object.
    pub fn from_data(audio: &impl Has<AudioContext>, data: SoundData) -> GameResult<Self> {
        let audio = audio.retrieve();
        if !data.can_play() {
            return Err(GameError::AudioError(
                "Could not decode the given audio data".to_string(),
        let sink = rodio::SpatialSink::try_new(
            [0.0, 0.0, 0.0],
            [-1.0, 0.0, 0.0],
            [1.0, 0.0, 0.0],

        let cursor = io::Cursor::new(data);

        Ok(SpatialSource {
            state: SourceState::new(cursor),
            left_ear: [-1.0, 0.0, 0.0].into(),
            right_ear: [1.0, 0.0, 0.0].into(),
            emitter_position: [0.0, 0.0, 0.0].into(),

impl SoundSource for SpatialSource {
    /// Plays the `SpatialSource`; waits until done if the sound is currently playing.
    fn play_later(&self) -> GameResult {
        // Creating a new Decoder each time seems a little messy,
        // since it may do checking and data-type detection that is
        // redundant, but it's not super expensive.
        // See for discussion
        use rodio::Source;
        let cursor =;

        let counter = self.state.play_time.clone();
        let period_mus = self.state.query_interval.as_secs() as usize * 1_000_000
            + self.state.query_interval.subsec_micros() as usize;

        if self.state.repeat {
            let sound = rodio::Decoder::new(cursor)?
                .periodic_access(self.state.query_interval, move |_| {
                    let _ = counter.fetch_add(period_mus, Ordering::SeqCst);
        } else {
            let sound = rodio::Decoder::new(cursor)?
                .periodic_access(self.state.query_interval, move |_| {
                    let _ = counter.fetch_add(period_mus, Ordering::SeqCst);


    fn play_detached(&mut self, audio: &impl Has<AudioContext>) -> GameResult {
        let audio = audio.retrieve();

        let device = audio.device();
        let new_sink = rodio::SpatialSink::try_new(
        let old_sink = mem::replace(&mut self.sink, new_sink);


    fn set_repeat(&mut self, repeat: bool) {

    fn set_fade_in(&mut self, dur: time::Duration) {

    fn set_start(&mut self, dur: time::Duration) {

    fn set_pitch(&mut self, ratio: f32) {

    fn repeat(&self) -> bool {

    fn pause(&self) {

    fn resume(&self) {

    fn stop(&mut self, audio: &impl Has<AudioContext>) -> GameResult {
        let audio = audio.retrieve();
        // Sinks cannot be reused after calling `.stop()`. See
        // for information.
        // To stop the current sound we have to drop the old sink and
        // create a new one in its place.
        // This is most ugly because in order to create a new sink
        // we need a `device`. However, we can only get the default
        // device without having access to a context. Currently that's
        // fine because the `AudioContext` uses the default device too,
        // but it may cause problems in the future if devices become
        // customizable.

        // We also need to carry over information from the previous sink.
        let volume = self.volume();

        let device = audio.device();
        self.sink = rodio::SpatialSink::try_new(
        )?;, Ordering::SeqCst);

        // Restore information from the previous link.

    fn stopped(&self) -> bool {

    fn volume(&self) -> f32 {

    fn set_volume(&mut self, value: f32) {

    fn paused(&self) -> bool {

    fn playing(&self) -> bool {
        !self.paused() && !self.stopped()

    fn elapsed(&self) -> time::Duration {

    fn set_query_interval(&mut self, t: time::Duration) {

impl SpatialSource {
    /// Set location of the sound.
    pub fn set_position<P>(&mut self, pos: P)
        P: Into<mint::Point3<f32>>,
        self.emitter_position = pos.into();

    /// Set locations of the listener's ears
    pub fn set_ears<P>(&mut self, left: P, right: P)
        P: Into<mint::Point3<f32>>,
        self.left_ear = left.into();
        self.right_ear = right.into();

impl fmt::Debug for SpatialSource {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
        write!(f, "<Spatial audio source: {:p}>", self)