ggez 0.3.4

Rust library to create a Good Game Easily
# What is this?
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ggez is a Rust library to create a Good Game Easily.

More specifically, ggez is a lightweight game framework for making 2D
games with minimum friction.  It aims to implement an API based on (a
Rustified version of) the [LÖVE](  game framework.  This means it will
contain basic and portable 2D drawing, sound, resource loading and
event handling.

ggez is not meant to be everything to everyone, but rather a good base
upon which to build.  Thus it takes a fairly batteries-included
approach without needing a million additions and plugins for everything
imaginable, but also does not dictate higher-level functionality such
as physics engine or ECS.  Instead the goal is to allow you to use
whichever libraries you want to provide these functions, or build your
own libraries atop ggez.

## Features

* Filesystem abstraction that lets you load resources from folders or zip files
* Hardware-accelerated rendering engine built on the `gfx-rs` graphics engine
* Playing and loading .ogg, .wav and .flac files via the `rodio` crate
* TTF font rendering with `rusttype`, as well as bitmap fonts
* Interface for handling keyboard and mouse events easily through callbacks
* Config file for defining engine and game settings
* Easy timing and FPS measurement functions

## Usage

ggez is built on the latest stable Rust compiler and distributed on  To include it in your project, just add the dependency
line to your `Cargo.toml` file:

ggez = "0.3"

However you also need to have the SDL2 libraries installed on your
system.  The best way to do this is documented [by the SDL2

ggez consists of three main parts: A `Context` object which contains
all the state required to interface with the computer's hardware, an
`EventHandler` trait that the user implements to register callbacks for
events, and various sub-modules such as `graphics` and `audio` that
provide the functionality to actually get stuff done.

## Examples

See the `examples/` directory in the source.  `hello_world` is exactly
what it says.  `imageview` is a simple program that shows off a number
of features such as sound and drawing.  `astroblasto` is a small
but complete Asteroids-like game.

To run the examples, you have to tell your program where to find the
`resources` directory included in the git repository.  The easy way is
to enable `cargo-resource-root` flag to tell ggez to look for a
`resources` directory next to your `Cargo.toml`, or copy or symlink
the `resources` directory to a place the running game can find it
(such as next to the game executable).

cargo run --example astroblasto --features=cargo-resource-root

Either way, if it can't find the resources it will give you an error
along the lines of `ResourceNotFound("'resources' directory not
found!  Should be in "/home/foo/src/ggez/target/debug/resources")`.
Just copy or symlink the `resources/` directory to where the error says it's

## Implementation details

ggez is built upon SDL2 for windowing and events, `rodio` for sound,
and a 2D drawing engine implemented in `gfx` using the OpenGL backend
(which currently defaults to use OpenGL 3.2).  It *should* be
entirely thread-safe outside of the basic event-handling loop, and
portable to Windows, Linux and Mac.

The goal is to eventually have ggez be pure Rust, but we're not there
yet.  There's some blockers before we can drop SDL2 for
`glutin`, see the issue tracker for more info.

## Credits
