Trait gfx::CommandBuffer

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pub trait CommandBuffer<R>: 'static + Sendwhere
    R: Resources,{
Show 23 methods // Required methods fn reset(&mut self); fn bind_pipeline_state(&mut self, _: <R as Resources>::PipelineStateObject); fn bind_vertex_buffers(&mut self, _: VertexBufferSet<R>); fn bind_constant_buffers(&mut self, _: &[ConstantBufferParam<R>]); fn bind_global_constant(&mut self, _: usize, _: UniformValue); fn bind_resource_views(&mut self, _: &[ResourceViewParam<R>]); fn bind_unordered_views(&mut self, _: &[UnorderedViewParam<R>]); fn bind_samplers(&mut self, _: &[SamplerParam<R>]); fn bind_pixel_targets(&mut self, _: PixelTargetSet<R>); fn bind_index(&mut self, _: <R as Resources>::Buffer, _: IndexType); fn set_scissor(&mut self, _: Rect); fn set_ref_values(&mut self, _: RefValues); fn copy_buffer( &mut self, src: <R as Resources>::Buffer, dst: <R as Resources>::Buffer, src_offset_bytes: usize, dst_offset_bytes: usize, size_bytes: usize ); fn copy_buffer_to_texture( &mut self, src: <R as Resources>::Buffer, src_offset_bytes: usize, dst: TextureCopyRegion<<R as Resources>::Texture> ); fn copy_texture_to_buffer( &mut self, src: TextureCopyRegion<<R as Resources>::Texture>, dst: <R as Resources>::Buffer, dst_offset_bytes: usize ); fn copy_texture_to_texture( &mut self, src: TextureCopyRegion<<R as Resources>::Texture>, dst: TextureCopyRegion<<R as Resources>::Texture> ); fn update_buffer( &mut self, _: <R as Resources>::Buffer, data: &[u8], offset: usize ); fn update_texture( &mut self, _: TextureCopyRegion<<R as Resources>::Texture>, data: &[u8] ); fn generate_mipmap(&mut self, _: <R as Resources>::ShaderResourceView); fn clear_color( &mut self, _: <R as Resources>::RenderTargetView, _: ClearColor ); fn clear_depth_stencil( &mut self, _: <R as Resources>::DepthStencilView, _: Option<f32>, _: Option<u8> ); fn call_draw(&mut self, _: u32, _: u32, _: Option<(u32, u32)>); fn call_draw_indexed(&mut self, _: u32, _: u32, _: u32, _: Option<(u32, u32)>);
Expand description

An interface of the abstract command buffer. It collects commands in an efficient API-specific manner, to be ready for execution on the device.

Required Methods§


fn reset(&mut self)

Reset the command buffer contents, retain the allocated storage


fn bind_pipeline_state(&mut self, _: <R as Resources>::PipelineStateObject)

Bind a pipeline state object


fn bind_vertex_buffers(&mut self, _: VertexBufferSet<R>)

Bind a complete set of vertex buffers


fn bind_constant_buffers(&mut self, _: &[ConstantBufferParam<R>])

Bind a complete set of constant buffers


fn bind_global_constant(&mut self, _: usize, _: UniformValue)

Bind a global constant


fn bind_resource_views(&mut self, _: &[ResourceViewParam<R>])

Bind a complete set of shader resource views


fn bind_unordered_views(&mut self, _: &[UnorderedViewParam<R>])

Bind a complete set of unordered access views


fn bind_samplers(&mut self, _: &[SamplerParam<R>])

Bind a complete set of samplers


fn bind_pixel_targets(&mut self, _: PixelTargetSet<R>)

Bind a complete set of pixel targets, including multiple colors views and an optional depth/stencil view.


fn bind_index(&mut self, _: <R as Resources>::Buffer, _: IndexType)

Bind an index buffer


fn set_scissor(&mut self, _: Rect)

Set scissor rectangle


fn set_ref_values(&mut self, _: RefValues)

Set reference values for the blending and stencil front/back


fn copy_buffer( &mut self, src: <R as Resources>::Buffer, dst: <R as Resources>::Buffer, src_offset_bytes: usize, dst_offset_bytes: usize, size_bytes: usize )

Copy part of a buffer to another


fn copy_buffer_to_texture( &mut self, src: <R as Resources>::Buffer, src_offset_bytes: usize, dst: TextureCopyRegion<<R as Resources>::Texture> )

Copy part of a buffer to a texture


fn copy_texture_to_buffer( &mut self, src: TextureCopyRegion<<R as Resources>::Texture>, dst: <R as Resources>::Buffer, dst_offset_bytes: usize )

Copy part of a texture to a buffer


fn copy_texture_to_texture( &mut self, src: TextureCopyRegion<<R as Resources>::Texture>, dst: TextureCopyRegion<<R as Resources>::Texture> )

Copy part of one texture into another


fn update_buffer( &mut self, _: <R as Resources>::Buffer, data: &[u8], offset: usize )

Update a vertex/index/uniform buffer


fn update_texture( &mut self, _: TextureCopyRegion<<R as Resources>::Texture>, data: &[u8] )

Update a texture


fn generate_mipmap(&mut self, _: <R as Resources>::ShaderResourceView)


fn clear_color(&mut self, _: <R as Resources>::RenderTargetView, _: ClearColor)

Clear color target


fn clear_depth_stencil( &mut self, _: <R as Resources>::DepthStencilView, _: Option<f32>, _: Option<u8> )


fn call_draw(&mut self, _: u32, _: u32, _: Option<(u32, u32)>)

Draw a primitive


fn call_draw_indexed(&mut self, _: u32, _: u32, _: u32, _: Option<(u32, u32)>)

Draw a primitive with index buffer
