gfold 3.0.0

CLI tool to help keep track of your Git repositories.
gfold-3.0.0 is not a library.
Visit the last successful build: gfold-1.4.1


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gfold is a CLI-driven application that helps you keep track of multiple Git repositories.

% gfold
astrid ~ /home/neloth/src/astrid
  unclean (main)
fev ~ /home/neloth/src/fev
  bare (issue2277)
gb ~ /home/neloth/src/gb
  unpushed (dev)
pam ~ /home/neloth/src/pam
  clean (main)

The classic display mode can be toggled on with --classic.

% gfold --classic
astrid  unclean   main
fev     bare      main       none
gb      unpushed  dev
neloth  unclean   patch
pam     clean     main
prime   clean     issue2287

If you'd prefer to use the classic display mode by default, and avoid setting the flag every time, you can set it in the config file (see Usage section).


This app displays relevant information for multiple Git repositories in one to many directories. While this tool might seem limited in scope and purpose, that is by design.

By default, gfold looks at every Git repository via traversal from the current working directory. However, if you would like to target another directory, you can pass that path (relative or absolute) as the first argument or change the default path in the config file.


Packaging status

macOS users: you can use Homebrew to install the tap.

brew install nickgerace/nickgerace/gfold

Note: the tap may not work with Linuxbrew.

Arch Linux and AUR users: you can use a Linux distribution that supports installing packages from the Arch User Respository (AUR) to install either the regular package or the development package.

paru -S gfold
paru -S gfold-git

Note: the above example uses paru, which is an AUR helper used to install packages from the AUR.

Rust developers and Cargo users: you can use cargo to install the crate on almost any platform.

cargo install gfold

Keeping the crate up to date is easy with cargo-update.

cargo install cargo-update
cargo install-update -a

Install from source: if you want to install from source, and not from, you can clone the repository and build gfold.

git clone
cd gfold
make install

Download a binary: if you do not want to use one of the above installation methods, you can download a binary from the releases page.

curl -s | bash

Note: the installation convenience script does not verify the binary with a checksum. Discretion is advised, including downloading and reading the script before execution.

To uninstall gfold fully, after using this installation method, execute the following script:

curl -s | bash

The uninstall script can also be used for cleanup in the event of a failed install.

+Don't see your preferred package manager?: please file an issue!


Pass in --help flag to see all the options for using this application.

gfold ..
gfold $HOME
gfold ~/
gfold /this/is/an/absolute/path
gfold ../../this/is/a/relative/path

Config File

Upon execution, gfold will look for a config file at the following path on macOS, Linux and similar operating systems:


On Windows, the config file is located at the following path:


Creating and using the config file is entirely optional, and you can ignore your config file at any time using the -i flag.

Example: Creating a Config File

Here is an example creation workflow for a config file. This config file will default to the classic display mode and set the default path to $HOME, rather than the current working directory.

gfold --classic ~/ --print > $HOME/.config/gfold/gfold.json

Here are the contents of the resulting config file:

  "path": "/home/neloth",
  "display_mode": "Classic",
  "git_path": null

Example: Backing Up a Config file

You can back up a config file and track its history with git. On macOS, Linux, and most systems, you can link the file back to a git repository.

ln -s path/to/repository/gfold.json $HOME/.config/gfold/gfold.json

Now, you can update the config file within your repository and include the linking as part of your environment setup workflow.


gfold is intended to be ran on any tier one Rust 🦀 target that git is also available on. Please file an issue if your platform is unsupported.


If fold from GNU Coreutils is installed on macOS via brew, it will be named gfold. You can avoid this collision with shell aliases, shell functions, and/or PATH changes. Here is an example with the o dropped from gfold:

alias gfld=$HOME/.cargo/bin/gfold