gflags 0.3.0

Command line flags library that does not require a central list of all the flags.
use std::ffi::OsStr;
use std::path::Path;

use crate::custom::Arg;
use crate::error::{Error, Result};
use crate::state::Flag;

/// Types that may be the data type of a flag.
/// The gflags library provides implementations of `Value` for several primitive
/// types like `&str` and `u64`. Refer to the [module documentation](index.html)
/// for an example of implementing `Value` for your own types.
pub trait Value: Sized + 'static {
    fn parse(arg: Arg) -> Result<Self>;

    // Not public API.
    const IS_BOOL: bool = false;

    // Not public API.
    fn set_bool(_flag: &Flag<Self>, _value: &'static bool) {
        panic!("not bool");

impl Value for bool {
    fn parse(_arg: Arg) -> Result<Self> {
        panic!("bool flag does not accept argument");

    const IS_BOOL: bool = true;

    fn set_bool(flag: &Flag<Self>, value: &'static bool) {

impl Value for &'static str {
    fn parse(arg: Arg) -> Result<Self> {

impl Value for &'static OsStr {
    fn parse(arg: Arg) -> Result<Self> {

impl Value for &'static Path {
    fn parse(arg: Arg) -> Result<Self> {

macro_rules! impl_value_for_primitive {
    ($($primitive:ident)*) => {
            impl Value for $primitive {
                fn parse(arg: Arg) -> Result<Self> {

impl_value_for_primitive!(u8 u16 u32 u64 u128 usize i8 i16 i32 i64 i128 isize);