gexiv2-sys 1.1.2

This library provides Rust FFI declarations for the gexiv2 library, which is a GObject-based wrapper around the Exiv2 library, which provides read and write access to the Exif, XMP, and IPTC metadata in media files. Only FFI declarations are provided here; for a usable Rust library, consider the `rexiv2` crate.
Setup & Dependencies


Given that it links to gexiv2, and transitively to Exiv2, gexiv2-sys obviously
depends on them (and on their dependencies). Having these libraries installed on
your system is a prerequisite to using gexiv2-sys, or any software built on it.

Platform-specific instructions for how to accomplish this are below:

### GNU/Linux

On a GNU/Linux system, you can typically install these dependencies through your
package manager, but be aware that they may be older versions without all the
features you’d like to use.

On Debian and its derivatives (like Ubuntu), run `sudo apt-get install
libgexiv2-dev`. On Arch, the package `libgexiv2` may have all you need. On
Fedora-like distros, try `libgexiv2-devel`. All of these should come with all
their dependencies as well.

If you need a newer version of a library than the one provided by your current
distribution version (e.g. because you are on Debian Stable, or Ubuntu LTS), you
may be able to build your own “backport” of the packages provided by later
distro releases.

For example, on Debian, add “`deb-src
unstable main`” to your `/etc/apt/sources.list` file, and run:

mkdir /tmp/gexiv2 && cd /tmp/gexiv2
apt-get update
sudo apt-get build-dep libgexiv2-dev libgexiv2-2
sudo apt-get -b source libgexiv2-dev libgexiv2-2
sudo dpkg -i *gexiv2*.deb

If you really need the latest upstream versions, you can always download them
directly from their project download pages and install them manually:
[Exiv2][exiv2-dl]; [gexiv2][gexiv2-dl].

### Mac OS X

The simplest known way of installing the required dependencies on Mac OS X is
with the Homebrew package manager, using the [gexiv2][gexiv2-brew] formula:

brew update
brew install gexiv2 pkg-config

For the build to succeed, you will have to tell `pkg-config` where Homebrew
installed some relevant libraries, using:

export PKG_CONFIG_PATH="/usr/local/opt/libffi/lib/pkgconfig"

It may also be possible to install dependencies via MacPorts, using the
[gexiv2][gexiv2-port] port, but I have not tested this. If you have more
information, please consider contributing your knowledge to this document.

Otherwise, you will likely have to download the dependencies directly from their
project download pages: [Exiv2][exiv2-dl]; [gexiv2][gexiv2-dl].

### Windows

I currently do not know what steps are needed to install these dependencies on
Windows. If you figure it out, please consider contributing your knowledge to
this document (see [GitHub Issue #11](

You will likely have to download the dependencies directly from their project
download pages: [Exiv2][exiv2-dl]; [gexiv2][gexiv2-dl].


Using gexiv2-sys In Your Code

Just a reminder: gexiv2-sys is a set of low-level FFI declarations. You only
need it if you really want to directly interface with gexiv2 specifically. If
you simply want a usable higher-level Rust library for working with media file
metadata, consider the [rexiv2][rexiv2] crate, which wraps this one.

The best way to download and use gexiv2-sys in your own code is by depending on
it via Cargo, and fetching it from [][crates-gexiv2-sys]. You can do
this by adding a dependency on gexiv2-sys in your crate’s `Cargo.toml` file:

gexiv2-sys = "0.7"
libc = "0.2"

(Note that the [libc][crates-libc] crate is listed as a dependency too: you will
most likely need it in order to do anything useful with gexiv2-sys).

To enable one of the optional features of the crate, specify it as follows:

gexiv2-sys = { version = "0.7", features = ["raw-tag-access"] }

Alternatively, if you’d like to work off of the bleeding edge (note that this is
not recommended unless you’re actively developing on gexiv2-sys itself), you can
depend directly on the Git repository using the line

gexiv2-sys = { git = "" }

or on a local copy, using the `path` option:

gexiv2-sys = { path = "../gexiv2-sys" }  # Or wherever your copy is located

Now you can import and use the functions defined in gexiv2-sys like this:

extern crate gexiv2_sys as gexiv2;
extern crate libc;

use std::ffi;
use std::ptr;

fn main() {
    unsafe {
        let metadata = gexiv2::gexiv2_metadata_new();
        let mut err: *mut gexiv2::GError = ptr::null_mut();
        let path = ffi::CString::new("example.jpg").unwrap();

        let ok = gexiv2::gexiv2_metadata_open_path(
            metadata, path.as_ptr(), &mut err);
        if ok != 1 {
            match ffi::CStr::from_ptr((*err).message).to_str() {
                Ok(v) => panic!(v.to_owned()),
                Err(_) => panic!("Unknown error".to_owned())

        let c_str = gexiv2::gexiv2_metadata_get_mime_type(metadata);
        println!("{:?}", ffi::CStr::from_ptr(c_str).to_str());

