Expand description

Zero-Copy reading and writing of geospatial data.

GeoZero defines an API for reading geospatial data formats without an intermediate representation. It defines traits which can be implemented to read and convert to an arbitrary format or render geometries directly.

Supported geometry types:

Supported dimensions: X, Y, Z, M, T

Available implementations:

Format conversion overview


Error and Result types.

geo-types conversions.

GeoJSON conversions.

GEOS conversions.

Geopackage geometry type encoding/decoding.

MVT conversions.

PostGIS geometry type encoding/decoding.

SVG conversions.

Well-Known Binary (WKB) conversions.

Well-Known Text (WKT) conversions.


impl FromSql for geometry type implementing FromWkb

impl ToSql for geometry type implementing GeozeroGeometry

impl sqlx::decode::Decode for geometry type implementing FromWkb

impl sqlx::decode::Decode for geometry type implementing GeozeroGeometry

impl sqlx::Type for geometry type

impl sqlx::decode::Decode for geometry type implementing FromWkb

impl sqlx::decode::Decode for geometry type implementing GeozeroGeometry

impl sqlx::Type for geometry type


Dimensions requested for processing

Empty processor implementation


Feature property value.


Feature processing API

Feature processing trait

Feature properties processing API

Geometry processing trait

Datasource feature consumer trait.

Geometry processing trait.

Consume features as GeoJSON.

Consume features as SVG.

Feature property processing trait.

Get property value as Rust type.

Convert to geo-types Geometry.

Convert to GEOS geometry.

Convert to GeoJSON.

Convert to MVT geometry.

Convert to SVG.

Convert to WKB.

Convert to WKT.