geoarrow2 0.0.2

Rust implementation of GeoArrow

This crate was originally published under the name `geoarrow2` because someone
else had [reserved the crate name
`geoarrow`]( That person did not plan
to work on `geoarrow` and transferred ownership of that name to me, so future
releases will be under the `geoarrow` crate name.

# `geoarrow-rs`

A Rust implementation of the [GeoArrow]( specification and bindings to [GeoRust algorithms]( for efficient spatial operations on GeoArrow memory.

This repository also includes [JavaScript (WebAssembly) bindings](, wrapping the GeoArrow memory layout and offering vectorized geometry operations.

## Documentation

- Rust library <>
- JavaScript library: <>
- Rust wasm-bindgen library: <>

## Examples

- [Rust examples]examples/

## Install

Add this to your `Cargo.toml`:

geoarrow = { package = "geoarrow2", version = "0.1" }

This will let you reference the package name as `geoarrow` in your code, even though the name on is `geoarrow2`. Sadly the name `geoarrow` is [squatted on by an empty package](

## References

- [Prototyping GeoRust + GeoArrow in WebAssembly] gives an early preview of the JavaScript API.
- [GeoArrow and GeoParquet in] gives an overview of what GeoArrow's memory layout looks like under the hood, even though it's focused on how to render the data on a map.
- [Thoughts on GEOS in WebAssembly] introduces why I think GeoRust + GeoArrow on the web has significant potential.
- [Zero-copy Apache Arrow with WebAssembly] explains how the JavaScript bindings are able to move memory between JavaScript and WebAssembly so efficiently.