geo 0.4.4

Geospatial primitives and algorithms
# Changes

## 0.4.4

* [Quickhull orientation fix]
* [Implement distance traits for more geometries]
* [Correctly calculate centroid for complex polygons]
* [Add `Orient` trait for polygon]
* [Add geometry rotation]
* [Add extreme point-finding]
* [Add contains point impl for bbox]

## 0.4.3

* [Implement Point to multipart geometry distance methods]
* [Fixture cleanup]

## 0.4.2

* [Fix Haversine distance implementation bug]

## 0.4.1

* [Implement convex hull algorithm]

## 0.4.0

* [Implement Haversine algorithm]
* [fix when multipolygon composed of two polygons of opposite clockwise]
* [Migrate from 'num' to 'num_traits' crate]

## 0.3.2

* [Add Visvalingam-Whyatt line-simplification algorithm]

## 0.3.1

* [Within Epsilon matcher]

## 0.3.0

* [Add named fields for the `Polygon` structure]

## 0.2.8

* [Implement `Intersects<Bbox<T>> for Polygon`]

## 0.2.7

* [Implement `Intersects<Polygon<T>> for Polygon`]

## 0.2.6

* [Add Point to Polygon and Point to LineString distance methods]

## 0.2.5

* [Implement LineString simplification]

## 0.2.4

* [Performance improvements when iterating over pairs of coordinates]

## 0.2.3

* [Add type Bbox and trait BoundingBox]

## 0.2.2

* [Add the Length trait and implement Length for LineString and MultiLineString]

## 0.2.1

* [Modify area for Polygon to consider also the isles]
* [Add area trait to MultiPolygon]

## 0.2.0

* [Data structures and traits are now generic (previously all were `f64`)]
* [`geo::COORD_PRECISION` is now `f32` (previously was `f64`)]

## 0.1.1

* [`Intersects` trait bugfixes]

## 0.1.0

* [Add `Area` trait]
* [Add `Contains` trait]
* [Add `Distance` trait, remove `Point::distance_to`]
* [Add `Intersects` trait]
* [Implement `Centroid` trait for `MultiPolygon`]

## 0.0.7

* [Implement `Centroid` trait, `Point::distance_to` method]