geo-aid 0.2.0

A tool designed to generate geometrical figures based on given rules.
use serde::Serialize;

use crate::{
    generator::{geometry, Complex, EvaluationError},
    script::figure::{Figure, LineDefinition, PointDefinition},

pub struct Blueprint {
    pub points: Vec<RenderedPoint>,
    pub lines: Vec<RenderedLine>,

#[serde(tag = "type")]
#[serde(rename_all = "snake_case")]
pub enum Rendered {

#[derive(Debug, Serialize)]
pub struct RenderedPoint {
    /// The point's label
    pub label: String,
    /// Point's position
    pub position: Complex,

pub struct RenderedLine {
    /// The line's label
    pub label: String,
    /// The line's thickness
    /// Two ends of the line
    pub points: (Complex, Complex),

fn evaluate_line(line: &LineDefinition, points: &[Complex]) -> Result<Complex, EvaluationError> {
    Ok(match line {
        LineDefinition::TwoPoints(i1, i2) => {
            geometry::get_line(evaluate_point(i1, points)?, evaluate_point(i2, points)?)

fn evaluate_point(
    definition: &PointDefinition,
    points: &[Complex],
) -> Result<Complex, EvaluationError> {
    Ok(match definition {
        PointDefinition::Indexed(gen_index) => points[*gen_index],
        PointDefinition::Crossing(l1, l2) => {
            let l1 = evaluate_line(l1, points)?;
            let l2 = evaluate_line(l2, points)?;

            geometry::get_crossing(l1, l2)?

fn get_line_ends(figure: &Figure, ln_c: Complex) -> (Complex, Complex) {
    // +--0--+
    // |     |
    // 1     2
    // |     |
    // +--3--+

    let width = figure.canvas_size.0 as f64;
    let height = figure.canvas_size.1 as f64;

    let intersections = [
            geometry::get_line(Complex::new(0.0, height), Complex::new(1.0, height)),
            geometry::get_line(Complex::new(0.0, 0.0), Complex::new(0.0, 1.0)),
            geometry::get_line(Complex::new(width, 0.0), Complex::new(width, 1.0)),
            geometry::get_line(Complex::new(0.0, 0.0), Complex::new(1.0, 0.0)),

    // If the a in ax+b is negative, line is "going down".
    let a = ln_c.real;

    // println!("a is {a}");
    // println!("intersection points are {:#?}", intersections);

    if a < 0f64 {
        // There must be one intersection with lines 0/1 and 2/3
        let i1 = intersections[0].as_ref().map_or_else(
            |_| intersections[1].as_ref().unwrap(),
            |x| {
                if (x.real > 0f64 && x.real < width) || intersections[1].is_err() {
                } else {

        let i2 = intersections[3].as_ref().map_or_else(
            |_| intersections[2].as_ref().unwrap(),
            |x| {
                if (x.real > 0f64 && x.real < width) || intersections[2].is_err() {
                } else {

        (*i1, *i2)
    } else {
        // There must be one intersection with lines 1/3 and 0/2
        let i1 = intersections[3].as_ref().map_or_else(
            |_| intersections[1].as_ref().unwrap(),
            |x| {
                if (x.real > 0f64 && x.real < width) || intersections[1].is_err() {
                } else {

        let i2 = intersections[0].as_ref().map_or_else(
            |_| intersections[2].as_ref().unwrap(),
            |x| {
                if (x.real > 0f64 && x.real < width) || intersections[2].is_err() {
                } else {

        (*i1, *i2)

/// Takes the figure and rendered points and attempt to design a figure that can then be rendered in chosen format.
/// # Panics
/// Despite containing .unwrap() calls, it shouldn't panic.
/// # Errors
/// Returns an error if there is a problem with evaluating constructs (e. g. intersection of two parallel lines).
pub fn project(
    figure: &Figure,
    generated_points: &[Complex],
) -> Result<Vec<Rendered>, EvaluationError> {
    let points: Vec<Complex> = figure
        .map(|pt| evaluate_point(&pt.definition, generated_points))
        .collect::<Result<Vec<Complex>, EvaluationError>>()?;

    let size1 = Complex::new(figure.canvas_size.0 as f64, figure.canvas_size.1 as f64);
    let size09 = size1 * 0.9;
    let size005 = size1 * 0.05;

    // Frame topleft point.
    let mut offset = points.get(0).copied().unwrap_or_default();

    for x in &points {
        if x.real < offset.real {
            offset.real = x.real;

        if x.imaginary < offset.imaginary {
            offset.imaginary = x.imaginary;

    // println!("Points preoffset: {:?}", points);
    // println!("Offset: {offset}");
    let points: Vec<Complex> = points.into_iter().map(|x| x - offset).collect();
    // println!("Points postoffset: {:?}", points);

    // Frame bottomright point.
    let mut furthest = points.get(0).copied().unwrap_or_default();

    for x in &points {
        if x.real > furthest.real {
            furthest.real = x.real;

        if x.imaginary > furthest.imaginary {
            furthest.imaginary = x.imaginary;

    // The scaled frame should be at most (and equal for at least one dimension) 90% of the size of the desired image (margins for rendering).
    let scale = f64::min(
        size09.real / furthest.real,
        size09.imaginary / furthest.imaginary,
    // println!("furthest: {furthest}, scale: {scale}");

    let points: Vec<Complex> = points.into_iter().map(|x| x * scale + size005).collect();

    let mut blueprint_points = Vec::new();

    for (i, pt) in points.iter().enumerate() {
        blueprint_points.push(RenderedPoint {
            label: figure.points[i].label.clone(),
            position: *pt,

    let mut blueprint_lines = Vec::new();

    for ln in &figure.lines {
        let ln_c = evaluate_line(&ln.definition, generated_points)?;

        blueprint_lines.push(RenderedLine {
            label: ln.label.clone(),
            points: get_line_ends(figure, ln_c),

    // println!("{:#?}", blueprint_points);
