geo-aid 0.2.0

A tool designed to generate geometrical figures based on given rules.
use std::{fs::File, io::Write, path::PathBuf};

use crate::projector::Rendered;

/// Draws the given figure to a .tex file using tikz library.
/// # Panics
/// Panics whenever there is a filesystem related problem.
pub fn draw(target: &PathBuf, canvas_size: (usize, usize), rendered: &Vec<Rendered>) {
    // We must allow losing precision here.
    let scale = f64::min(20.0 / canvas_size.0 as f64, 20.0 / canvas_size.1 as f64);
    let mut content = String::from(
    \usetikzlibrary {angles,calc,quotes}
    for item in rendered {
        match item {
            Rendered::Point(point) => {
                let position = point.position * scale;
                    "\\coordinate [label=left:${}$] ({}) at ({}, {}); \\fill[black] ({}) circle (1pt);",
                    point.label, point.label, position.real,
                    position.imaginary, point.label
            Rendered::Line(line) => {
                let pos1 = line.points.0 * scale;
                let pos2 = line.points.1 * scale;
                content += &format!(
                    "\\draw ({},{}) -- ({},{});",
                    pos1.real, pos1.imaginary, pos2.real, pos2.imaginary
    content += "\\end{tikzpicture} \\end{document}";

    let mut file = File::create(target).unwrap();