genpass 0.2.6

A simple yet robust commandline random password generator.
# genpass [![Build Status]]

A simple yet robust commandline random password generator.  

Multiplatform (Linux, Mac, Windows).  

## Installation
On a system with [Rust]( installed: 
$ cargo install genpass

## Usage
$ genpass -h

    genpass [FLAGS] [length]

    -h, --help       Prints help information
    -d               Include at least one digit
    -l               Include at least one lowercase letter
    -s               Include at least one (non alphanumeric) special character
    -u               Include at least one uppercase letter
    -V, --version    Prints version information

    <length>     [default: 32]

## A road to 1.0

TODOs to get `genpass` to 1.0

* [support custom sets of characters]
* [add benchmarks]
* [test entropy of generated passwords]

## Contributing
All contributions welcome !  
Ideally - start a discussion with an issue first before contributing a PR.