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The discrete module provides operator::CrossoverOps that recombine genetic::Genotypes by exchanging variable values between the parent individuals. Discrete recombination can be applied for binary encoded genotypes and value encoded genotypes.

The provided operator::CrossoverOps are:

  • UniformCrossBreeder for fixedbitset::FixedBitSet, smallvec::SmallVec and Vec of any type.
  • SinglePointCrossBreeder for fixedbitset::FixedBitSet, smallvec::SmallVec and Vec of any type.
  • MultiPointCrossBreeder for fixedbitset::FixedBitSet, smallvec::SmallVec and Vec of any type.


The MultiPointCrossBreeder operator combines binary or value encoded genetic:Genotypes by splitting the vector of values into 2 or several slices and combining the slices from randomly picked parents into the new genetic:Genotype.

The SinglePointCrossBreeder operator combines binary encoded or value encoded genetic::Genotypes by splitting the vector of bits/values into 2 slices and combining the slices from randomly picked parents into the new genetic:Genotype.

The UniformCrossBreeder operator combines binary encoded or value encoded genetic::Genotypes by walking through the bits/values of the parents one by one and randomly selecting the bit/value of one partner that is copied to the resulting child.
