[][src]Module genevo::population

The population module defines the Population struct and the PopulationBuilder for building random populations.

To use the PopulationBuilder for building Populations of a custom genetic::Genotype an implementation of the GenomeBuilder must be provided. A GenomeBuilder can build new individuals of a custom genetic::Genotype.

Default implementations of GenomeBuilder are provided for the binary encoded types fixedbitset::FixedBitSet and Vec<bool> and for the value encoded type Vec<T>.


In the first example we build a population of binary encoded genomes. Each genome has a length of 12 bits and the population comprises 200 individuals.

use genevo::prelude::*;
use genevo::population::BinaryEncodedGenomeBuilder;
#[cfg(feature = "fixedbitset")]
use fixedbitset::FixedBitSet;

fn main() {
    #[cfg(feature = "fixedbitset")]
    let population: Population<FixedBitSet> = build_population()
    #[cfg(not(feature = "fixedbitset"))]
    let population: Population<Vec<bool>> = build_population()

    println!("{:?}", population);
    assert_eq!(200, population.size());

The next example builds a population of value encoded genomes. Each genome is represented by a Vec of 4 i64 values in the range of -200 to +200. The generated population consists of 200 individuals.

use genevo::prelude::*;
use genevo::population::ValueEncodedGenomeBuilder;

fn main() {
    let population: Population<Vec<i64>> = build_population()
        .with_genome_builder(ValueEncodedGenomeBuilder::new(4, -200, 201))

    println!("{:?}", population);
    assert_eq!(200, population.size());

In the following example we demonstrate how to generate a population containing individuals of the custom type Pos. Each genome consists of 8 Pos values. The generated population comprises 200 individuals.

use genevo::prelude::*;

struct Pos {
    x: usize,
    y: usize,

struct PositionsBuilder;

impl GenomeBuilder<Vec<Pos>> for PositionsBuilder {

    fn build_genome<R>(&self, _: usize, rng: &mut R) -> Vec<Pos>
        where R: Rng + Sized
            Pos {
                x: row,
                y: rng.gen_range(0, 8)

fn main() {
    let population: Population<Vec<Pos>> = build_population()

    println!("{:?}", population);
    assert_eq!(200, population.size());



A GenomeBuilder that builds binary encoded genetic::Genotypes.


The Population defines a set of possible solutions to the optimization or search problem.


The PopulationBuilder creates a new Population with a number of newly created individuals or just individual genetic::Genotypes.


A GenomeBuilder that builds value encoded genetic::Genotypes.



A GenomeBuilder defines how to build individuals of a population for custom genetic::Genotypes.

