genere 0.0.1

A library for randomization of text respecting grammatical gender of sentences


Genere is a library to generate (possibly randomized) text with options to match the (grammatical) gender of various elements.


use genere::Generator;
let mut gen = Generator::new();
gen.add("hero", &["John[m]", "Joan[f]"]).unwrap();
gen.add("job[hero]", &["wizard/witch"]).unwrap();
gen.add("main[hero]", &["{hero}. He/She is a {job}."]).unwrap();
let result = gen.instantiate("main").unwrap();
assert!(&result == "John. He is a wizard."
       || &result == "Joan. She is a witch.");

More information

Genere is inspired by Tracery, but seeks to allow easy generation of sentences that are grammaticaly gender accurate.


  • Symbols must be declared in the order they will be used.
  • Support for JSON.
  • Support for "content·e" variants.