[][src]Macro genco_macros::quote_in

quote_in!() { /* proc-macro */ }

Behaves the same as quote! while quoting into an existing token stream with <target> => <quoted>.

This macro takes a destination stream followed by an => and the tokens to extend that stream with.

Note that the <target> arguments must be borrowable. So a mutable reference like &mut rust::Tokens will have to be dereferenced when used with this macro.

let mut tokens = rust::Tokens::new();
quote_in!(tokens => hello world);

fn generate_into(tokens: &mut rust::Tokens) {
    quote_in! { *tokens =>


use genco::prelude::*;

let mut tokens = rust::Tokens::new();

quote_in! { tokens =>
    fn foo() -> u32 {

Example use inside of quote!

quote_in! can be used inside of a quote! macro by using a scope.

use genco::prelude::*;

let tokens: rust::Tokens = quote! {
    fn foo(v: bool) -> u32 {
        #(ref out {
            quote_in! { *out =>
                if v {
                } else {

quote_in! macro.quote_in.html quote!: macro.quote.html