[][src]Crate genawaiter

This crate implements generators for Rust. Generators are a feature common across many programming language. They let you yield a sequence of values from a function. A few common use cases are:

  • Easily building iterators.
  • Avoiding allocating a list for a function which returns multiple values.

Rust has this feature too, but it is currently unstable (and thus nightly-only). But with this crate, you can use them on stable Rust!

A tale of three types

A generator can control the flow of up to three types of data:

  • Yield – Each time a generator suspends execution, it can produce a value.
  • Resume – Each time a generator is resumed, a value can be passed in.
  • Completion – When a generator completes, it can produce one final value.

The three types are specified in the type signature of the generator. Only the first is required; the last two are optional:

type Yield = // ...
type Resume = // ...
type Completion = // ...

async fn generator(co: Co<Yield, Resume>) -> Completion

Rewritten as a non-async function, the above function has the same type as:

fn generator(co: Co<Yield, Resume>) -> impl Future<Output = Completion>

Yielded values

Values can be yielded from the generator by calling yield_, and immediately awaiting the future it returns. You can get these values out of the generator in either of two ways:

  • Call resume() or resume_with(). The values will be returned in a GeneratorState::Yielded.

    let mut generator = Gen::new(|co| async move {
    let ten = generator.resume();
    assert_eq!(ten, GeneratorState::Yielded(10));
  • Treat it as an iterator. For this to work, both the resume and completion types must be () .

    let generator = Gen::new(|co| async move {
    let xs: Vec<_> = generator.into_iter().collect();
    assert_eq!(xs, [10]);

If you do not follow the co.yield_().await pattern above, behavior is memory-safe, but otherwise left unspecified. This crate tries to panic whenever the rules are broken, on a best-effort basis. To stay on the happy path, follow these rules:

  • Whenever calling yield_, always immediately await its result.
  • Do not await any futures other than the ones returned by yield_.

Resume arguments

You can also send values back into the generator, by using resume_with. The generator receives them from the future returned by yield_.

let mut printer = Gen::new(|co| async move {
    loop {
        let string = co.yield_(()).await;
        println!("{}", string);

Completion value

A generator can produce one final value upon completion, by returning it from the function. The consumer will receive this value as a GeneratorState::Complete.

let mut generator = Gen::new(|co| async move {
assert_eq!(generator.resume(), GeneratorState::Yielded(10));
assert_eq!(generator.resume(), GeneratorState::Complete("done"));

Backported stdlib types

This crate supplies Generator and GeneratorState. They are copy/pasted from the stdlib (with stability attributes removed) so they can be used on stable Rust. If/when real generators are stabilized, hopefully they would be drop-in replacements. Javscript developers might recognize this as a polyfill.

There is also a Coroutine trait, which does not come from the stdlib. A Coroutine is a generalization of a Generator. A Generator constrains the resume argument type to (), but in a Coroutine it can be anything.

Choose your guarantees

This crate supplies two concrete implementations of the Coroutine trait:

  1. genawaiter::rc – This uses 100% safe code, but requires allocation.

  2. genawaiter::stack – This works without allocating memory, but has a number of downsides:

    • It uses a macro.
    • It uses unsafe code under the hood.
    • It is possible to violate memory safety (but only if you do silly things with the co object).



This module implements a generator which stores its state on the heap.


This module implements a generator which doesn't require allocation.



Creates a generator without allocating.



The result of a generator resumption.



A trait implemented for coroutines.


A trait implemented for generator types.