genauai-kernel 0.0.2

Kernel library for Genau AI

Kernel for the Genau Environment

genauai-kernel is a Rust library for building generative AI tools based on human feedback . It provides a set of APIs for managing conversations, saving and loading plans, and more.


  • Conversations: start, stop, and manage conversations with users
  • Plans: create, save, and load plans for your chatbot
  • Messages: save and retrieve messages for analysis and reporting
  • Database: provides an SQLite database interface for easy data management


Add genauai-kernel to your project's Cargo.toml file:

genauai-kernel = "0.0.1"

Getting Started

use genauai_kernel::{get_db, get_plan, reset_database, save_message, save_plan};
use rusqlite::Connection;

fn main() {
    let conn = get_db();
    let plan = get_plan(&conn).unwrap();

    let message = "Hello, world!";
    save_message(&conn, 1, "user", &message).unwrap();

    let new_plan = Plan::default();
    save_plan(&conn, 1, &new_plan).unwrap();



Contributions are welcome! If you find a bug or want to suggest a new feature, please open an issue or submit a pull request.


genauai-kernel is licensed under the MIT License. See LICENSE for details.