gen_value 0.7.0

A library for indexes and values with generations for vectors.
# Changelog

## [0.7.0] - 2023-09-29

### Added

- Add `UnmanagedGenVec::set_gen()` to set the generation for an index.

  Allow directly setting the generation in extreme cases. The method
  should not be used except in edge cases where an index has exhausted
  all generations and all generational indexes have been dropped.

- Set Minimum Supported Rust Version (MSRV) to `1.56.0`

### Updated

- Separate benchmark code into separate crate

### Removed

- Remove `thiserror` dependency and implement Error trait directly

## [0.6.0] - 2022-04-22

### Updated

- Use usize index for get_unchecked*

  For performance reasons, change the get_unchecked* methods to use a
  direct usize. Removes the need to pass in the entire generational
  index and call the Into<usize>::into(). The assumption is that the
  caller can get the index from the generational index into a usize.

  There may be multiple vectors which may need to be indexed using the
  same index, so avoid having to possibly convert the generational index
  into a usize index multiple times.

  In the worst case, the get_unchecked* method can be added via a trait
  which has a generational index parameter and pass the usize index into
  the get_unchecked* method.

## [0.5.0] - 2022-04-18

### Updated

- Rename UnmanagedGenVec::set_gen to set_next_gen

  Panic if set_next_gen is called with more than next gen

  UnmanagedGenVec.set_next_gen() must be called with the next generation of
  the generational index. It is a logical error to call with generations
  further ahead.

  The method can only set the generation to the next generation so
  rename the method to better reflect the intent and capability.

- Rename UnmanagedGenVec::push to push_with_gen

  Add push() with default generation

- Panic on remove with last generation

  For a managed indexes GenVec, the last generation is a tombstone
  value which should never be returned. However, if the value were
  manually constructed and used with remove, the method should panic to
  indicate the program logic is incorrect because the value will remain

- Use usize for default generation type

  Due to using a usize for the index type, using a smaller type for the
  generation does not result in any memory savings (unless the
  generational index type uses something besides the default (I, G)
  tuple in a packed or space savings encoding).
  Generally to save space, both the Index type and the Generation type
  must be considered together so default to "expected" behavior while
  callers can still customize behavior for their needs.

## [0.4.0] - 2022-04-15

### Updated

- Only allow set if the generations are equal

  The generation in the Vec should always be the greatest generation
  used. A generational index with a greater generation is
  invalid. While it could be allowed, skipping generations should
  be considered a logic bug because it wastes generations.

  IndexMut implementations are added for `GenVec` and `UnmanagedGenVec`.

- Fix inconsistent error/panic in set vs set_or_push

  If the index is out of bounds when calling set_or_push,
  an error is returned instead of panicing.

- Fix default GenIndex type for UnmanagedGenVec

  Type parameter specified (usize, u16) but should have been (I, G)
  in case G or I is specified and they do not match the defaults.

## [0.3.0] - 2022-04-15

### Updated

- Use the maximum generation value as a tombstone value to indicate an index
  can no longer be accessed or used. Add `Incremental::max` and changes
  to `Allocator::dealloc`.

## [0.2.0] - 2022-04-14

### Updated

- Added type parameters to `UnmanagedGenVec` for the index `I` and the
  generational index type `GenIndex`. Adding the types constrains the
  generational index to one type improving overall safety at the cost
  of some flexibility.
- Renamed `Index` type parameter in `GenVec` to `GenIndex`.

## [0.1.0] - 2022-04-14

### Added

- Initial release
