gdp_rs 0.0.3

A library for implementing Ghosts-of-departed-proofs pattern in rust
use std::marker::PhantomData;

use frunk_core::{
    hlist::{HCons, HNil, Plucker, Sculptor},

use crate::{
        list::{EvaluablePropositionList, PropositionList},
        Evaluable, Proposition,

/// A struct representing a compound proposition
/// that evaluates to logical conjunction of all list members.
pub struct AllOf<S, PL: PropositionList<S>> {
    _phantom: PhantomData<fn() -> (S, PL)>,

impl<S, PL: PropositionList<S>> Clone for AllOf<S, PL> {
    fn clone(&self) -> Self {
        Self {
            _phantom: self._phantom,

impl<S, PL: PropositionList<S>> std::fmt::Debug for AllOf<S, PL> {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {

impl<S, PL> Proposition<S> for AllOf<S, PL> where PL: PropositionList<S> {}

impl<S, PLH, PLT> Proven<S, AllOf<S, HCons<PLH, PLT>>>
    PLH: Proposition<S>,
    PLT: PropositionList<S>,
    /// Convert into hlist-head proven proposition.
    pub fn into_head_proven(self) -> Proven<S, PLH> {
        // Safety: if all of propositions hold, head proposition too holds.
        unsafe { Proven::new_unchecked(self.into_subject()) }

    /// Convert into hlist-tail proven proposition.
    pub fn into_tail_proven(self) -> Proven<S, AllOf<S, PLT>> {
        // Safety: if all of propositions hold, all propositions in tail too hold.
        unsafe { Proven::new_unchecked(self.into_subject()) }

    /// Convert into hlist-plucked proven proposition.
    pub fn into_plucked_proven<T, Index>(self) -> Proven<S, T>
        T: Proposition<S>,
        HCons<PLH, PLT>: Plucker<T, Index>,
        // Safety: if all of propositions hold, then any of plucked propositions too hold.
        unsafe { Proven::new_unchecked(self.into_subject()) }

impl<S, PL> Proven<S, AllOf<S, PL>>
    PL: PropositionList<S>,
    /// Convert into hlist-sculpted proven proposition.
    pub fn into_sculpted_proven<Ts, Indices>(self) -> Proven<S, AllOf<S, Ts>>
        Ts: PropositionList<S>,
        PL: Sculptor<Ts, Indices>,
        // Safety: if all of propositions hold, then all propositions in sculpted list also hold.
        unsafe { Proven::new_unchecked(self.into_subject()) }

    /// Convert into hlist-sculpted proven proposition.
    pub fn into_rev_list_proven(self) -> Proven<S, AllOf<S, <PL as IntoReverse>::Output>>
        PL: IntoReverse,
        <PL as IntoReverse>::Output: PropositionList<S>,
        // Safety: if all of propositions hold, then all propositions in sculpted list also hold.
        unsafe { Proven::new_unchecked(self.into_subject()) }

    /// Try to extend all-of compound proposition with proposition of given proposition class about subject.
    pub fn try_extend_proposition<P>(
    ) -> Result<Proven<S, AllOf<S, HCons<P, PL>>>, <P as Evaluable<S>>::EvalError>
        P: Proposition<S> + Evaluable<S>,
            // Safety: All propositions hold.
            .map(|_| unsafe { Proven::new_unchecked(self.into_subject()) })

    /// Extend all-of compound proposition with proposition of given proposition class about subject.
    /// # Safety
    /// Callers must ensure, extension proposition about the subject holds.
    pub unsafe fn extend_proposition_unchecked<P>(self) -> Proven<S, AllOf<S, HCons<P, PL>>>
        P: Proposition<S>,

impl<S> Proven<S, AllOf<S, HNil>> {
    /// Get new proven proposition with given subject and empty list proposition type.
    pub fn new(subject: S) -> Self {
        // Safety: Conjunction of empty list of proposition always holds.
        unsafe { Self::new_unchecked(subject) }

impl<S, PL> Evaluable<S> for AllOf<S, PL>
    PL: EvaluablePropositionList<S>,
    type EvalError = Box<dyn std::error::Error + Send + Sync + 'static>;

    fn evaluate_for(sub: &S) -> Result<(), Self::EvalError> {