gdnative 0.9.0

The Godot game engine's gdnative bindings.

Rust bindings for the Godot game engine

This crate contains high-level wrappers around the Godot game engine's gdnative API. Some of the types were automatically generated from the engine's JSON API description, and some other types are hand made wrappers around the core C types.

Memory management for core types

Wrappers for most core types expose safe Rust interfaces, and it's unnecessary to mind memory management most of the times. The exceptions are VariantArray and Dictionary, internally reference-counted collections with "interior mutability" in Rust parlance. These types are modelled using the "typestate" pattern to enforce that the official thread-safety guidelines. For more information, read the type-level documentation for these types.

Since it is easy to expect containers and other types to allocate a copy of their content when using the Clone trait, some types do not implement Clone and instead implement NewRef which provides a new_ref(&self) -> Self method to create references to the same collection or object.

Generated API types

The api module contains high-level wrappers for all the API types generated from a JSON description of the API. The generated types are tied to a specific version, which is currently 3.2.3-stable for the version. If you want to use the bindings with another version of the engine, see the instructions here on generating custom bindings.

Memory management

API types may be reference-counted or manually-managed. This is indicated by the RefCounted and ManuallyManaged marker traits.

The API types can exist in three reference forms: bare, TRef and Ref. Bare references to API types, like &'a Node, represent valid and safe references to Godot objects. As such, API methods may be called safely on them. TRef adds typestate tracking, which enable additional abilities like being able to be passed to the engine. Ref, or "persistent" references, have 'static lifetime, but are not always safe to use. For more information on how to use persistent references safely, see the type-level documentation on Ref.

Feature flags


Enabled by default. Includes the version of the bindings in the api module.