gdk 0.10.0

Rust bindings for the GDK 3 library
girs_dir = "gir-files"
library = "Gdk"
version = "3.0"
min_cfg_version = "3.14"
target_path = "."
work_mode = "normal"
generate_safety_asserts = true
single_version_file = true
deprecate_by_min_version = true

generate = [

manual = [

name = "Gdk.*"
status = "generate"
    pattern = ".+"
        name = "cr"
        const = true
        name = "surface"
        const = true
    name = "setting_get"
    # GValue initialized inside the function instead of passed as argument
    ignore = true
    name = "property_change"
    # data parameter needed to be more
    ignore = true
    name = "pango_layout_get_clip_region"
    ignore = true
    name = "selection_property_get"
    ignore = true
    name = "cairo_create"
    #manual trait
    ignore = true
    pattern = "cairo_.+"
    #manual trait
    ignore = true
    name = "disable_multidevice"
    #manual trait
    ignore = true
    pattern = "drag_.+"
    #manual trait
    ignore = true
    name = "drop_reply"
    #manual trait
    ignore = true
    name = "drop_finish"
    #manual trait
    ignore = true
    name = "get_default_root_window"
    #manual trait
    ignore = true
    pattern = "offscreen_window_[gs]et_embedder"
    #manual trait
    ignore = true
    name = "offscreen_window_get_surface"
    #manual trait
    ignore = true
    name = "pixbuf_get_from_window"
    #manual trait
    ignore = true
    name = "keyval_name"
    ignore = true
    name = "keyval_to_unicode"
    ignore = true
    name = "init"
    ignore = true

name = "Gdk.Cursor"
status = "generate"
    name = "get_display"
        nullable = false
    name = "new_from_surface"
        name = "surface"
        const = true

name = "Gdk.Device"
status = "generate"
    name = "get_display"
        nullable = false
    name = "tool"
    version = "3.22"
    name = "type"
    generate = ["get", "notify"]

name = "Gdk.Display"
status = "generate"
    name = "get_default_group"
        nullable = false
    name = "get_default_screen"
        nullable = false
    name = "get_name"
        nullable = false
    name = "get_screen"
        nullable = false

name = "Gdk.DisplayManager"
status = "generate"
    name = "get"
        nullable = false

name = "Gdk.DragContext"
status = "generate"
    name = "get_device"
        nullable = false
    name = "get_dest_window"
        nullable = false
    name = "get_source_window"
        nullable = false

name = "Gdk.EventType"
status = "generate"
    name = "2button_press"
    alias = true
    name = "3button_press"
    alias = true
    name = "touchpad_swipe"
    version = "3.18"
    name = "touchpad_pinch"
    version = "3.18"
    name = "event_last"
    alias = true

name = "Gdk.FrameClock"
status = "generate"
    name = "get_refresh_info"
    #wrong gir: no out parameters
    ignore = true

name = "Gdk.FrameTimings"
status = "generate"
version = "3.8"
    name = "get_predicted_presentation_time"
    # Use an `Option` for the return value
    ignore = true
    name = "get_presentation_time"
    # Use an `Option` for the return value
    ignore = true
    name = "get_refresh_interval"
    # Use an `Option` for the return value
    ignore = true

name = "Gdk.Monitor"
status = "generate"
version = "3.22"
    name = "subpixel-layout"
    version = "3.22"
    name = "manufacturer"
    version = "3.22"
    name = "model"
    version = "3.22"

name = "Gdk.Screen"
status = "generate"
    name = "get_display"
        nullable = false
    name = "make_display_name"
        nullable = false
    name = "get_font_options"
    ignore = true
    name = "get_setting"
    # bool return value signals success
    ignore = true

name = "Gdk.Seat"
status = "generate"
version = "3.20"

name = "Gdk.Visual"
status = "generate"
    name = "get_system"
        nullable = false
    name = "get_best"
        nullable = false
    name = "get_screen"
        nullable = false

name = "Gdk.Window"
status = "generate"
manual_traits = ["WindowExtManual"]
    name = "new"
    ignore = true
    pattern = "[gs]et_background_pattern"
    ignore = true
    name = "get_effective_toplevel"
        nullable = false
    name = "get_display"
        nullable = false
    name = "get_screen"
        nullable = false
    name = "get_toplevel"
        nullable = false
    name = "get_visual"
        nullable = false
    name = "mark_paint_from_clip"
        name = "cr"
        const = true
    name = "fullscreen_on_monitor"
    version = "3.18"
    name = "create_similar_surface"
    ignore = true
    name = "set_opaque_region"
        name = "region"
        const = true