gdeflate 0.3.1

A library for compressing and decompressing the GDeflate format failed to build gdeflate-0.3.1
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Visit the last successful build: gdeflate-0.2.0

🗜️ gdeflate-rs

A library for compressing and decompressing the GDeflate format 🦀

crates license dependency-status

gdeflate = "0.3.0"

Use the compress and decompress functions to compress and decompress data.

use gdeflate::{CompressionLevel, Compressor, Decompressor};

let uncompressed_data = vec![0, 1, 2]; // your input data

let mut compressor = Compressor::new(CompressionLevel::Level12).unwrap();
let result = compressor.compress(&uncompressed_data, 65536).unwrap();

let mut decompressor = Decompressor::new().unwrap();
let reconstructed_data = decompressor.decompress(&result).unwrap();

assert_eq!(&uncompressed_data, &reconstructed_data);

🚨 Warning 🚨

This library is still experimental and only supports single-threaded compression and decompression at the moment.