[][src]Crate gdbstub

An ergonomic and easy-to-integrate implementation of the GDB Remote Serial Protocol in Rust.

gdbstub is entirely #![no_std] compatible, and can be used on platforms without a global allocator. In embedded contexts, gdbstub can be configured to use pre-allocated buffers and communicate over any available serial I/O connection (e.g: UART).

gdbstub is particularly well suited for emulation, making it easy to add powerful, non-intrusive debugging support to an emulated system. Just provide an implementation of Target for your target platform, and you're ready to start debugging!

Debugging Features

Features marked as (optional) aren't required to be implemented, but can be implemented to enhance the debugging experience.

  • Core GDB Protocol
    • Step + Continue
    • Add + Remove Software Breakpoints
    • Read/Write memory
    • Read/Write registers
    • (optional) Add + Remove Hardware Breakpoints
    • (optional) Read/Write/Access Watchpoints (i.e: value breakpoints)
    • (optional) Multithreading support
  • Extended GDB Protocol
    • (optional) Handle custom debug commands (sent via GDB's monitor command)
    • (optional) Automatic architecture detection

If gdbstub is missing a feature you'd like to use, please file an issue / open a PR!

Feature flags

The std feature is enabled by default. In #![no_std] contexts, use default-features = false.

  • alloc
    • Implements Connection for Box<dyn Connection>.
    • Adds output buffering to ConsoleOutput.
  • std (implies alloc)

Getting Started

This section provides a brief overview of the key traits and types used in gdbstub, and walks though the basic steps required to integrate gdbstub into a project.

Additionally, if you're looking for some more fleshed-out examples, take a look at some of the examples listed in the project README.

The Connection Trait

The Connection trait describes how gdbstub should communicate with the main GDB process.

Connection is automatically implemented for common std types such as TcpStream and UnixStream. In #![no_std] environments, Connection must be implemented manually, using whatever bytewise transport the hardware has available (e.g: UART).

A common way to start a remote debugging session is to wait for the GDB client to connect via TCP:

use std::net::{TcpListener, TcpStream};

fn wait_for_gdb_connection(port: u16) -> std::io::Result<TcpStream> {
    let sockaddr = format!("localhost:{}", port);
    eprintln!("Waiting for a GDB connection on {:?}...", sockaddr);
    let sock = TcpListener::bind(sockaddr)?;
    let (stream, addr) = sock.accept()?;

    // Blocks until a GDB client connects via TCP.
    // i.e: Running `target remote localhost:<port>` from the GDB prompt.

    eprintln!("Debugger connected from {}", addr);

The Target Trait

The Target trait describes how to control and modify a system's execution state during a GDB debugging session. Since each target is different, it's up to the user to provide methods to read/write memory, start/stop execution, etc...

The Target::Arch associated type encodes information about the target's architecture, such as it's pointer size, register layout, etc... gdbstub comes with several built-in architecture definitions, which can be found under the arch module.

One key ergonomic feature of the Target trait is that it "plumbs-through" any existing project-specific error-handling via the Target::Error associated type. Every method of Target returns a Result<T, Target::Error>, which makes it's possible to use the ? operator for error handling, without having wrapping errors in gdbstub specific variants!

For example, here's what an implementation of Target might look like for a single-core emulator targeting the ARMv4T instruction set. See the examples section of the project README for more fleshed-out examples.

This example is not tested
// Simplified and modified from gdbstub/examples/armv4t/gdb.rs

use gdbstub::{
    arch, BreakOp, ResumeAction, StopReason, Target, Tid, TidSelector,

// ------------- Existing Emulator Code ------------- //

enum EmuError {
    // ...

struct Emu {
    breakpoints: Vec<u32>,
    /* ... */
impl Emu {
    fn step(&mut self) -> Result<Option<EmuEvent>, EmuError>;
    fn read8(&mut self, addr: u32) -> Result<u8, EmuError>;
    fn write8(&mut self, addr: u32, val: u8) -> Result<(), EmuError>;

enum EmuEvent {

// ------------- `gdbstub` Integration ------------- //

impl Target for Emu {
    type Arch = arch::arm::Armv4t;
    type Error = EmuError;

    fn resume(
        &mut self,
        actions: &mut dyn Iterator<Item = (TidSelector, ResumeAction)>,
        check_gdb_interrupt: &mut dyn FnMut() -> bool,
    ) -> Result<(Tid, StopReason<u32>), Self::Error> {
        // one thread, only one action
        let (_, action) = actions.next().unwrap();

        let event = match action {
            ResumeAction::Step => match self.step()? {
                Some(e) => e,
                None => return Ok((SINGLE_THREAD_TID, StopReason::DoneStep)),
            ResumeAction::Continue => {
                let mut cycles = 0;
                loop {
                    if let Some(event) = self.step()? {
                        break event;

                    // check for GDB interrupt every 1024 instructions
                    cycles += 1;
                    if cycles % 1024 == 0 && check_gdb_interrupt() {
                        return Ok((SINGLE_THREAD_TID, StopReason::GdbInterrupt));

            match event {
                EmuEvent::Halted => StopReason::Halted,
                EmuEvent::Break => StopReason::HwBreak,

    fn read_registers(
        &mut self,
        regs: &mut arch::arm::reg::ArmCoreRegs,
    ) -> Result<(), EmuError> {
        // fill up `regs` be querying self

    fn write_registers(&mut self, regs: &arch::arm::reg::ArmCoreRegs) -> Result<(), EmuError> {
        // update `self` with data from `regs`

    fn read_addrs(
        &mut self,
        addr: std::ops::Range<u32>,
        push_byte: &mut dyn FnMut(u8),
    ) -> Result<(), EmuError> {
        for addr in addr {

    fn write_addrs(&mut self, start_addr: u32, data: &[u8]) -> Result<(), EmuError> {
        for (addr, val) in (start_addr..).zip(data.iter().copied()) {
            self.write8(addr, val)?

    fn update_sw_breakpoint(&mut self, addr: u32, op: BreakOp) -> Result<bool, EmuError> {
        match op {
            BreakOp::Add => self.breakpoints.push(addr),
            BreakOp::Remove => {
                let pos = match self.breakpoints.iter().position(|x| *x == addr) {
                    None => return Ok(false),
                    Some(pos) => pos,


Starting the debugging session

Once a Connection has been established and a Target is available, all that's left is to pass both of them over to GdbStub and let it do the rest!

This example is not tested
fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
    // Pre-existing setup code
    let mut emu = Emu::new()?;
    // ... etc ...

    // Establish a `Connection`
    let connection = wait_for_gdb_connection(9001);

    // Create a new `GdbStub` using the established `Connection`.
    let debugger = GdbStub::new(connection);

    // Instead of taking ownership of the system, GdbStub takes a &mut, yielding
    // ownership once the debugging session is closed, or an error occurs.
    match debugger.run(&mut emu) {
        Ok(disconnect_reason) => match disconnect_reason {
            DisconnectReason::Disconnect => {
                // run to completion
                while emu.step() != Some(EmuEvent::Halted) {}
            DisconnectReason::TargetHalted => println!("Target halted!"),
            DisconnectReason::Kill => {
                println!("GDB sent a kill command!");
        Err(GdbStubError::TargetError(e)) => {
            println!("Emu raised a fatal error: {:?}", e);
        Err(e) => return Err(e.into())




Built-in implementations of Arch for various architectures.


Internal implementation details.



Send formatted data to the GDB client console.


Send formatted data to the GDB client console, with a newline appended.



Helper struct to send console output to GDB.


Debug a Target across a Connection using the GDB Remote Serial Protocol.


Helper to construct and customize GdbStub.



Add / Remove a breakpoint / watchpoint


Describes why the GDB session ended.


An error which may occur when building a GdbStub.


Errors which may occur during a GDB debugging session.


Describes how the target should resume the specified thread.


Describes why the target stopped.


Thread ID Selector.


The kind of watchpoint that should be set/removed.



TID which should be returned by Target::resume on single-threaded targets.



A trait to perform bytewise I/O over a serial transport layer.


A collection of methods and metadata a GdbStub can use to control and debug a system.

Type Definitions


A result type used by optional Target methods.


Thread ID