gctx 0.3.0

A gcloud configuration management utility
gctx-0.3.0 is not a library.

A fast replacement for gcloud config configurations written in Rust for managing Google Cloud Platform gcloud configurations easily and quickly

Note: This project is independent and not afilliated with Google in any way


From source

Get the latest stable version of Rust via rustup and run:

cargo install gctx
## gctx will now be on your PATH

Pre-Built Binaries

Grab the latest binary, extract it and add it to your PATH.

Others (e.g. scoop and brew)

TODO: Support for scoop

TODO: Support for brew


## show the current configuration (useful for adding to default prompt)
gctx current
gctx          # shorthand, just omit current

## list all configurations
gctx list

## activate a different configuration
gctx my-config
gctx activate my-config   # explicitly activate, e.g. if your configuration name clashes with a gctx command
gctx activate             # if fzf is installed, you can omit the name and select from a list

## create (and optionally activate) a new configuration
gctx create my-config --project foo \
--account a.user@example.org \
--zone europe-west1-d \
--region europe-west1 \
--force \

## copy an existing configuration
gctx copy src-name dest-name --force --activate

## show the properties of a configuration (like gcloud config configurations describe)
gctx describe           # defaults to the current configuration
gctx describe name      # describe a named configuration

## rename a configuration
gctx rename old-name new-name
gctx rename --force old-name existing-name   # use force to overwrite an existing configuration

## delete a configuration. note: you can't delete the active configuration
gctx delete my-config

## show help and usage
gctx --help