gcp_auth 0.7.5

Google cloud platform (GCP) authentication using default and custom service accounts
use async_trait::async_trait;
use tokio::sync::Mutex;

use crate::custom_service_account::CustomServiceAccount;
use crate::default_authorized_user::DefaultAuthorizedUser;
use crate::default_service_account::DefaultServiceAccount;
use crate::error::Error;
use crate::gcloud_authorized_user::GCloudAuthorizedUser;
use crate::types::{self, HyperClient, Token};

pub(crate) trait ServiceAccount: Send + Sync {
    async fn project_id(&self, client: &HyperClient) -> Result<String, Error>;
    fn get_token(&self, scopes: &[&str]) -> Option<Token>;
    async fn refresh_token(&self, client: &HyperClient, scopes: &[&str]) -> Result<Token, Error>;

/// Authentication manager is responsible for caching and obtaing credentials for the required scope
/// Construct the authentication manager with [`AuthenticationManager::new()`] or by creating
/// a [`CustomServiceAccount`], then converting it into an `AuthenticationManager` using the `From`
/// impl.
pub struct AuthenticationManager {
    pub(crate) client: HyperClient,
    pub(crate) service_account: Box<dyn ServiceAccount>,
    refresh_mutex: Mutex<()>,

impl AuthenticationManager {
    /// Finds a service account provider to get authentication tokens from
    /// Tries the following approaches, in order:
    /// 1. Check if the `GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS` environment variable if set;
    ///    if so, use a custom service account as the token source.
    /// 2. Check if the `gcloud` tool is available on the `PATH`; if so, use the
    ///    `gcloud auth print-access-token` command as the token source.
    /// 3. Send a HTTP request to the internal metadata server to retrieve a token;
    ///    if it succeeds, use the default service account as the token source.
    /// 4. Look for credentials in `.config/gcloud/application_default_credentials.json`;
    ///    if found, use these credentials to request refresh tokens.
    pub async fn new() -> Result<Self, Error> {
        tracing::debug!("Initializing gcp_auth");
        if let Some(service_account) = CustomServiceAccount::from_env()? {
            return Ok(service_account.into());

        let client = types::client();
        let gcloud_error = match GCloudAuthorizedUser::new().await {
            Ok(service_account) => {
                tracing::debug!("Using GCloudAuthorizedUser");
                return Ok(Self::build(client, service_account));
            Err(e) => e,

        let default_service_error = match DefaultServiceAccount::new(&client).await {
            Ok(service_account) => {
                tracing::debug!("Using DefaultServiceAccount");
                return Ok(Self::build(client, service_account));
            Err(e) => e,

        let default_user_error = match DefaultAuthorizedUser::new(&client).await {
            Ok(service_account) => {
                tracing::debug!("Using DefaultAuthorizedUser");
                return Ok(Self::build(client, service_account));
            Err(e) => e,


    fn build(client: HyperClient, service_account: impl ServiceAccount + 'static) -> Self {
        Self {
            service_account: Box::new(service_account),
            refresh_mutex: Mutex::new(()),

    /// Requests Bearer token for the provided scope
    /// Token can be used in the request authorization header in format "Bearer {token}"
    pub async fn get_token(&self, scopes: &[&str]) -> Result<Token, Error> {
        let token = self.service_account.get_token(scopes);
        if let Some(token) = token.filter(|token| !token.has_expired()) {
            return Ok(token);

        let _guard = self.refresh_mutex.lock().await;

        // Check if refresh happened while we were waiting.
        let token = self.service_account.get_token(scopes);
        if let Some(token) = token.filter(|token| !token.has_expired()) {
            return Ok(token);

            .refresh_token(&self.client, scopes)

    /// Request the project ID for the authenticating account
    /// This is only available for service account-based authentication methods.
    pub async fn project_id(&self) -> Result<String, Error> {

impl From<CustomServiceAccount> for AuthenticationManager {
    fn from(service_account: CustomServiceAccount) -> Self {
        Self::build(types::client(), service_account)