gcp-bigquery-client 0.11.0

An ergonomic async client library for GCP BigQuery.
# Changelog

All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

## [0.11.0] - 2022-01-03

### Fix

- Fix QueryParameter type declaration (Thanks to @newapplesho)

## [0.10.2] - 2021-10-21

### Fix

- Fix 2 issues in the job API (Thanks to @nixxholas)

## [0.10.1] - 2021-10-31

### Added

- Add a BigQuery load job example in the examples directory.

## [0.10.0] - 2021-10-09

### Added

- 2 features `native-tls` and `rust-tls` to respectively use OpenSSL or Rust TLS.
- Add methods `is_empty`, `len`, `clear` to `TableDataInsertAllRequest`
- Add method `add_rows` to `TableDataInsertAllRequest` (thanks @nixxholas)
- Bump version for yup-oauth2 v6 (thanks @JamesHinshelwood)
- Implement `Default` trait for most of the structures in the model sub-directory
- Implement `Clone` trait for most of the structures in the model sub-directory
- Implement `Display` trait for `ErrorProto` and `TableDataInsertAllResponseInsertErrors`

## [0.9.3] - 2021-08-31

### Fix 

- Fix ResultSet.get_i64 not working with some valid integer notation (e.g. 123.45E4) (Thanks to @komi1230)

## [0.9.2] - 2021-08-30

### Fix

- Fix Workload identify serialization issue (Thanks to @komi1230)

## [0.9.1] - 2021-08-16

### Added

- Workload identify support (Thanks to @komi1230)

## [0.9.0] - 2021-03-21

> Warning: this version is incompatible with the previous version

### Added

- Added dataset.delete_if_exists.
- Added table.delete_if_exists.
- Added new setters for dataset and table structs.

### Changed

- Removed redundant parameters in dataset.create.
- Removed redundant paramaters in table.create.
- Improved BQError::ResponseError.
- Improved the example.