Module gazpatcho::report[][src]

Definition of the current state of the graph modeled in the UI.


The following example represents a possible report returned from an application instantiated via the Config example. Note that it is not a valid rust code, but an output of the dbg! macro.

Report {
    nodes: [
        Node {
            id: "comment:0",
            class: "comment",
            data: {
                "comment": String(
                    "Content of the comment block.",
        Node {
            id: "oscillator:0",
            class: "oscillator",
            data: {
                "switch": Bool(
                "trigger": Bool(
                "dropdown": String(
                "slider": F32(
        Node {
            id: "mixer:0",
            class: "mixer",
            data: {},
    patches: [
        Patch {
            source: PinAddress {
                node_id: "oscillator:0",
                pin_class: "output",
            destination: PinAddress {
                node_id: "mixer:0",
                pin_class: "input1",



Report is a structure holding information about the current “model” of the graph represented in the UI. It does not report details about the widgets that were used nor about positions of items on the canvas. It is limited to the minimal amount of information needed to convert the state into a graph.