gazebo 0.8.1

A collection of well-tested utilities
 * Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates.
 * This source code is licensed under both the MIT license found in the
 * LICENSE-MIT file in the root directory of this source tree and the Apache
 * License, Version 2.0 found in the LICENSE-APACHE file in the root directory
 * of this source tree.

//! Additions to the [`Ref`](Ref) mechanism.

// We used to implement `ARef` as an enum of `{Ptr(&'a T), Ref(Ref<'a, T>)}`.
// That works, but consumes 3 words and requires a branch on every access of the underlying
// pointer. We can optimise that by relying on the underlying details of `Ref`, which is
// (currently) defined as (after a bit of inlining):
// ```
// pub struct Ref<'a, T: ?Sized + 'a> {
//    value: &'a T,
//    borrow: &'a Cell<isize>,
// }
// ```
// Because the pointer must always be non-null, we can switch that out for:
// ```
// pub struct ARef<'a, T: ?Sized + 'a> {
//    value: &'a T,
//    borrow: Option<&'a Cell<isize>>,
// }
// ```
// And use `None` to represent the `Ptr` case. We do that with transmute trickery,
// but write some good tests that will break if the representation changes,
// and if necessary we can always switch to the enum representation.

use std::cell::BorrowError;
use std::cell::Cell;
use std::cell::Ref;
use std::cell::RefCell;
use std::cmp::Ordering;
use std::fmt;
use std::fmt::Display;
use std::hash::Hash;
use std::hash::Hasher;
use std::mem;
use std::ops::Deref;

use crate::cast;

/// A [`Ref`](Ref) that might not actually be borrowed.
/// Either a `Ptr` (a normal & style reference), or a `Ref` (like from
/// [`RefCell`](std::cell::RefCell)), but exposes all the methods available on [`Ref`](Ref).
pub struct ARef<'a, T: ?Sized + 'a> {
    value: &'a T,
    borrow: Option<&'a Cell<isize>>,

impl<T: ?Sized> Drop for ARef<'_, T> {
    fn drop(&mut self) {
        if self.borrow.is_some() {
            let me: ARef<T> = ARef {
                value: self.value,
                borrow: self.borrow,
            // The transmute forgets me, so I won't get called recursively
            let them: Ref<T> = unsafe { cast::transmute_unchecked(me) };
            // But we can now drop on the Ref

impl<T: ?Sized> Deref for ARef<'_, T> {
    type Target = T;

    fn deref(&self) -> &T {

impl<'a, T: ?Sized + 'a> ARef<'a, T> {
    /// Create a new [`ARef`] from a pointer.
    pub fn new_ptr(x: &'a T) -> Self {
        ARef {
            value: x,
            borrow: None,

    /// Create a new [`ARef`] from a reference.
    pub fn new_ref(x: Ref<'a, T>) -> Self {
        // This is safe if the representation is the same as we expect,
        // which we check for in a test below.
        // Unfortunately, we can't directly transmute between Ref<T> and ARef<T>
        // as the type T is generic. So we have to transmute between an intermediate (usize, usize)
        let v: ARef<T> = unsafe { cast::transmute_unchecked(x) };

    /// See [`Ref.clone`](Ref::clone). Not a self method since that interferes with the [`Deref`](Deref).
    pub fn clone(orig: &Self) -> Self {
        if orig.borrow.is_none() {
        } else {
            let orig: &Ref<T> = unsafe { cast::ptr(orig) };

    /// See [``](Ref::map). Not a self method since that interferes with the [`Deref`](Deref).
    pub fn map<U: ?Sized, F>(orig: ARef<'a, T>, f: F) -> ARef<'a, U>
        F: FnOnce(&T) -> &U,
        // The `map` implementation for Ref doesn't touch the borrow, so we just use the pointer.
        let res = ARef {
            value: f(orig.value),
            borrow: orig.borrow,
        // We have to make sure we don't accidentally free the original value, since its drop will change
        // the borrow flag.

    /// See [`Ref.map_split`](Ref::map_split). Not a self method since that interferes with the
    /// [`Deref`](Deref).
    pub fn map_split<U: ?Sized, V: ?Sized, F>(orig: ARef<'a, T>, f: F) -> (ARef<'a, U>, ARef<'a, V>)
        F: FnOnce(&T) -> (&U, &V),
        if orig.borrow.is_none() {
            let (a, b) = f(orig.value);
            (ARef::new_ptr(a), ARef::new_ptr(b))
        } else {
            let orig: Ref<T> = unsafe { cast::transmute_unchecked(orig) };
            let (a, b) = Ref::map_split(orig, f);
            (ARef::new_ref(a), ARef::new_ref(b))

    /// See [`Ref.filter_map`](Ref::filter_map). Not a self method since that interferes with the
    /// [`Deref`](Deref).
    pub fn filter_map<U: ?Sized, F>(orig: ARef<'a, T>, f: F) -> Result<ARef<'a, U>, Self>
        F: FnOnce(&T) -> Option<&U>,
        match f(orig.value) {
            Some(value) => {
                let res = Ok(ARef {
                    borrow: orig.borrow,
                // We have to make sure we don't accidentally free the original value, since its drop will change
                // the borrow flag.
            None => Err(orig),

// `Ref` doesn't have many traits on it. I don't really know why - I think that's an oversight.
// & references do have many traits on them. Therefore, when being "either" we choose to do as many
// implementations as we can.

impl<T: Display + ?Sized> Display for ARef<'_, T> {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {

impl<T: Hash + ?Sized> Hash for ARef<'_, T> {
    fn hash<H: Hasher>(&self, state: &mut H) {

impl<A: PartialEq<B> + ?Sized, B: ?Sized> PartialEq<ARef<'_, B>> for ARef<'_, A> {
    fn eq(&self, other: &ARef<'_, B>) -> bool {

impl<A: Eq + ?Sized> Eq for ARef<'_, A> {}

impl<A: PartialOrd<B> + ?Sized, B: ?Sized> PartialOrd<ARef<'_, B>> for ARef<'_, A> {
    fn partial_cmp(&self, other: &ARef<'_, B>) -> Option<Ordering> {

impl<A: Ord + ?Sized> Ord for ARef<'_, A> {
    fn cmp(&self, other: &Self) -> Ordering {

/// Obtain an [`ARef`] from either a normal pointer or a [`RefCell`](std::cell::RefCell).
pub trait AsARef<T: ?Sized> {
    /// Get an [`ARef`] pointing at this type.
    fn as_aref(this: &Self) -> ARef<T>;
    /// Try and get an [`ARef`] pointing at this type. Returns an [`Err`] if
    /// the type `Self` is a [`RefCell`] which is already mutably borrowed.
    fn try_as_aref(this: &Self) -> Result<ARef<T>, BorrowError>;
    /// Return the underlying [`RefCell`] if `Self` is one, otherwise [`None`].
    fn as_ref_cell(this: &Self) -> Option<&RefCell<T>>;

impl<T: ?Sized> AsARef<T> for T {
    fn as_aref(this: &Self) -> ARef<T> {
    fn try_as_aref(this: &Self) -> Result<ARef<T>, BorrowError> {
    fn as_ref_cell(_this: &Self) -> Option<&RefCell<T>> {

impl<T: ?Sized> AsARef<T> for RefCell<T> {
    fn as_aref(this: &Self) -> ARef<T> {
    fn try_as_aref(this: &Self) -> Result<ARef<T>, BorrowError> {
    fn as_ref_cell(this: &Self) -> Option<&RefCell<T>> {

mod tests {
    use std::cell::RefCell;
    use std::mem;

    use super::*;
    use crate::cast;

    fn test_from_ref_docs() {
        let c = RefCell::new((5, 'b'));
        let b1: ARef<(u32, char)> = ARef::new_ref(c.borrow());
        let b2: ARef<u32> = ARef::map(b1, |t| &t.0);
        assert_eq!(*b2, 5);

        let cell = RefCell::new([1, 2, 3, 4]);
        let borrow = ARef::new_ref(cell.borrow());
        let (begin, end) = ARef::map_split(borrow, |slice| slice.split_at(2));
        assert_eq!(*begin, [1, 2]);
        assert_eq!(*end, [3, 4]);

    fn test_borrow_guards() {
        let c = RefCell::new(5);
        let r1 = ARef::new_ref(c.borrow());
        let r2 = c.borrow();

    fn test_pointer_basics() {
        let c = "test".to_owned();
        let p = ARef::new_ptr(&c);
        let p2 = ARef::map(p, |x| &x[1..3]);
        assert_eq!(&*p2, "es");

    fn test_ref_map_dropping() {
        let c = RefCell::new("test".to_owned());
        let p = ARef::new_ref(c.borrow());
        let p = ARef::map(p, |x| &x[1..3]);
        assert_eq!(&*p, "es");

    fn test_ref_filter_map_dropping() {
        let c = RefCell::new("test".to_owned());
        let p = ARef::new_ref(c.borrow());
        let p = ARef::filter_map(p, |x| Some(&x[1..3])).unwrap();
        assert_eq!(&*p, "es");

    /// Test that the representation of ARef is what we expect
    fn test_ref_as_expected() {
        let orig = RefCell::new("test".to_owned());
        let p = orig.borrow();
        let p2 = Ref::clone(&p);
        let (pointer, cell): (usize, usize) = unsafe { mem::transmute(p) };
        // We expect the first to be a pointer to the underlying string
        assert_eq!(pointer, cast::ptr_to_usize(Ref::deref(&p2)));
        // We want to make sure the second is never zero
        assert_ne!(cell, 0);

        // Put it back as it was, to make sure our test doesn't leak memory
        let _ignore: Ref<String> = unsafe { mem::transmute((pointer, cell)) };

    fn test_as_aref() {
        fn get_str(x: &impl AsARef<String>) -> ARef<str> {
            ARef::map(AsARef::as_aref(x), |x| x.as_str())

        let a = RefCell::new("hello".to_owned());
        let b = "world".to_owned();
        assert_eq!(&*get_str(&a), "hello");
        assert_eq!(&*get_str(&b), "world");