gate 0.1.0

A specialized 2D game library


Gate is a game development library tailored to 2D pixel-art games, written in Rust.


The Rust crate for Gate can be found here, and the crate for Gate Build can be found here


Documentation for Gate can be found here, and for Gate Build here


When creating a game, it is good practice to make a layer, specific to one's needs, that separates the game logic from the resource management, rendering, audio, and other interfacing that is needed for a game. "Gate" is the layer that I created for this purpose with my personal game development endeavors, and I decided to make it public. It should be noted that this library was developed for my own personal needs, and is not meant to be a general purpose game development library. This manifests itself mostly with the renderer, which is made specifically for 2D pixel art. If your game has similar needs or you just want to get something going quickly, then this library is for you. If you have slightly different needs, then you can still use this code as a reference point.

Users of this crate should create a build script in their project, invoking functionality from the sibling crate "gate_build". This will generate texture atlases and enums to reference assets. See the "gate_build" crate for more details.


First we need some assets. Make four directories: sprites, tiles, music, and sounds. In each of these files place an asset: MySprite.png, MyTile.png, MyMusic.ogg, and MySound.ogg, respectively.

Now, let's set up a Cargo.toml file:

name = "my_game"
version = "0.1.0"

gate = "0.1.0"

gate_build = "0.1.0"

Next, add the following to your script:

extern crate gate_build;

use std::path::Path;
use std::env;
use gate_build::AssetPacker;

fn main() {
    let out_dir = env::var("OUT_DIR").unwrap();
    let gen_code_path = Path::new(&out_dir).join("");

    let mut packer = AssetPacker::new(Path::new("assets"));

Then add the following to your

extern crate gate;

use gate::{App, Audio};
use gate::app_info::{AppInfo, AppDims};
use gate::input::{KeyEvent, KeyCode};
use gate::renderer::{Renderer, Affine};

mod asset_id { include!(concat!(env!("OUT_DIR"), "/")); }
use asset_id::{AssetId, SpriteId, TileId, MusicId, SoundId};

struct MyGame { angle: f64, delta: f64 }

impl App<AssetId> for MyGame {
    fn start(&mut self, audio: &mut Audio<AssetId>) {

    fn advance(&mut self, seconds: f64, _: &mut Audio<AssetId>) -> bool {
        self.angle += seconds *;
        true // continue the game

    fn input(&mut self, evt: KeyEvent, key: KeyCode, audio: &mut Audio<AssetId>) -> bool {
        if (evt, key) == (KeyEvent::Pressed, KeyCode::Return) {
   *= -1.;
        true // continue the game

    fn render(&mut self, renderer: &mut Renderer<AssetId>) {
        { // drawing tiles
            let mut renderer = renderer.tiled_mode(32., 32.);
            for x in 0..5u32 { for y in 0..5u32 {
                let affine = Affine::translate(x as f64 * 16., y as f64 * 16.);
                renderer.draw(&affine, TileId::MyTile);
        { // drawing sprites
            let mut renderer = renderer.sprite_mode();
            renderer.draw(&Affine::rotate(self.angle), SpriteId::MySprite);

fn main() {
    let info = AppInfo::builder(AppDims { window_pixels: (500, 500), app_height: 100. })
                       .title("My Game").build();
    gate::run(info, MyGame { angle: 0., delta: 90_f64.to_radians() });

That should be it. Note that Gate currently depends on SDL2, so you will need to install SDL2 development libraries in order to run your game successfully. Gate requires SDL2, SDL2_Image, and SDL2_Mixer, as well as OpenGL version 3.0 or later.


Collider is licensed under the Apache 2.0 License.

Future changes

There are a number of new features I am planning to add to Gate in the future. Some of these will involve breaking changes.

  • Loading assets on the fly
  • Changing resolution or fullscreen mode mid-game
  • Support for displaying text
  • Adding XBox controller input
  • Generating enums/handles for user-specific assets, and loading those assets
  • Handling game save data
  • Playing looping music that has a one-time intro, without any hiccups in the music (not sure how I'm going to do this, but it's important to me; game libraries often seem to overlook this fundamental feature)
  • Probably some new renderer modes with new shaders