garden-tools 0.5.0

Garden grows and cultivates collections of Git trees Garden lets you define and run commands over collections of configuration-defined multi-worktree Git environments.
# Changelog

## v0.5.0

*Released 2023-01-12*


- [Garden configuration files can now include other configuration files
  ]( by specifying
  the additional files to include in the `garden.includes` field.
  The `includes` feature makes it possible to create modular and reusable garden files.
  The `trees`, `variables`, `commands`, `groups` and `gardens` defined in the included
  files are added to the current configuration.

- [Garden commands can now reference $shell variables]
  using the standard (brace-less) shell `$variable` syntax. The braced `${garden}`
  variable syntax remains reserved for resolving Garden Variables.
  Double-`$` braces (ex: `$${...}`) can be used to escape a `$${variable}` from
  evaluation so that a literal the `${variable}` value is used by the garden command.

- A new `garden completion` subcommand was added for providing shell command-line
  completion using the [clap_complete] crate.

- `garden -V | --version` was added alongside the `clap` rewrite for displaying
  the `garden` command version.


- The `Makefile` has been replaced by a `garden.yaml` Garden file.
  We can now use `garden {build, test, check, fmt, clippy, ...}` instead of `make ...`.
  See [garden.yaml @ 5ef8d0ab16 for more details]
  Packagers can use `cargo install` to install `garden` and invoke `mdbook` directly
  to install the user manual. We also provide
  `garden -D DESTDIR=/tmp/stage -D prefix=/usr/local install-doc` if distros
  want to install the user manual using our recipe.

- Garden's command-line parsing has been rewritten to leverage the
  [clap] crate and ecosystem.

## v0.4.1

*Released 2022-12-26*


- The `garden cmd --no-errexit` option was extended to work with commands that are
  configured using a YAML list of strings. Commands that are specified using lists
  are now indistinguishable from commands specified using multi-line strings.

## v0.4.0

*Released 2022-12-23*

**Breaking Changes**:

- `garden cmd` now runs custom commands using `<shell> -e -c '<command>'` by default.
  The use of `-e` is a change in behavior and causes multi-line / multi-statement
  commands to halt execution when the first non-zero exit code is encountered.
  Use `set +e` at the top of of a multi-line command to opt-out of this behavior
  on a per-command basis, or specify the `-n | --no-errexit` option.

- `garden` will now fallback to `bash` (and `sh`) as the default `` value
  when `zsh` (and `bash`) are not installed. As before, the ``
  configuration variable can be used to override the default shell.


- `garden prune` was added for removing orphaned Git repositories.

- `garden cmd` learned to run commands in breadth-first order when the
  `-b/--breadth-first` option is used. Depth-first tree traversal is the default.
  The `garden cmd --breadth-first` traversal runs all commands on a tree before
  continuing on to the next tree. The default `garden cmd` depth-first traversal
  runs a command across all trees before continuing on to the next command.

## v0.3.0

*Released 2022-08-20*


- `garden plant` learned to detect `git worktree` repositories.

## v0.2.0

*Released 2022-07-29*

**Breaking Changes**:

- `garden add` was renamed to `garden plant`.


- `garden grow` learned to grow trees using "git worktree" (#1).
- `garden grow` learned to clone specific branches.
- `garden grow` and `garden plant` learned to handle bare repositories.

## v0.1.0

*Released 2022-06-13*


This is the initial garden release.

- `garden grow` grows worktrees.
- `garden init` intitializes configuration.
- `garden plant` (formerly `garden add`) adds existing trees.
- `garden cmd` and `garden <custom-command>` can run custom commands.
- Templates, variables, and environment variables are all supported.