garando_syntax2 0.1.0

Backport of libsyntax

// Error messages for EXXXX errors.
// Each message should start and end with a new line, and be wrapped to 80 characters.
// In vim you can `:set tw=80` and use `gq` to wrap paragraphs. Use `:set tw=0` to disable.
register_long_diagnostics! {

E0178: r##"
In types, the `+` type operator has low precedence, so it is often necessary
to use parentheses.

For example:

trait Foo {}

struct Bar<'a> {
    w: &'a Foo + Copy,   // error, use &'a (Foo + Copy)
    x: &'a Foo + 'a,     // error, use &'a (Foo + 'a)
    y: &'a mut Foo + 'a, // error, use &'a mut (Foo + 'a)
    z: fn() -> Foo + 'a, // error, use fn() -> (Foo + 'a)

More details can be found in [RFC 438].

[RFC 438]:

E0534: r##"
The `inline` attribute was malformed.

Erroneous code example:

#[inline()] // error: expected one argument
pub fn something() {}

fn main() {}

The parenthesized `inline` attribute requires the parameter to be specified:

fn something() {}

// or:

fn something() {}

Alternatively, a paren-less version of the attribute may be used to hint the
compiler about inlining opportunity:

fn something() {}

For more information about the inline attribute, read:

E0535: r##"
An unknown argument was given to the `inline` attribute.

Erroneous code example:

#[inline(unknown)] // error: invalid argument
pub fn something() {}

fn main() {}

The `inline` attribute only supports two arguments:

 * always
 * never

All other arguments given to the `inline` attribute will return this error.

#[inline(never)] // ok!
pub fn something() {}

fn main() {}

For more information about the inline attribute, https:

E0536: r##"
The `not` cfg-predicate was malformed.

Erroneous code example:

#[cfg(not())] // error: expected 1 cfg-pattern
pub fn something() {}

pub fn main() {}

The `not` predicate expects one cfg-pattern. Example:

#[cfg(not(target_os = "linux"))] // ok!
pub fn something() {}

pub fn main() {}

For more information about the cfg attribute, read:

E0537: r##"
An unknown predicate was used inside the `cfg` attribute.

Erroneous code example:

#[cfg(unknown())] // error: invalid predicate `unknown`
pub fn something() {}

pub fn main() {}

The `cfg` attribute supports only three kinds of predicates:

 * any
 * all
 * not


#[cfg(not(target_os = "linux"))] // ok!
pub fn something() {}

pub fn main() {}

For more information about the cfg attribute, read:

E0558: r##"
The `export_name` attribute was malformed.

Erroneous code example:

#[export_name] // error: export_name attribute has invalid format
pub fn something() {}

fn main() {}

The `export_name` attribute expects a string in order to determine the name of
the exported symbol. Example:

#[export_name = "some_function"] // ok!
pub fn something() {}

fn main() {}

E0565: r##"
A literal was used in an attribute that doesn't support literals.

Erroneous code example:

#[inline("always")] // error: unsupported literal
pub fn something() {}

Literals in attributes are new and largely unsupported. Work to support literals
where appropriate is ongoing. Try using an unquoted name instead:

pub fn something() {}

E0583: r##"
A file wasn't found for an out-of-line module.

Erroneous code example:

mod file_that_doesnt_exist; // error: file not found for module

fn main() {}

Please be sure that a file corresponding to the module exists. If you
want to use a module named `file_that_doesnt_exist`, you need to have a file
named `` or `file_that_doesnt_exist/` in the
same directory.

E0585: r##"
A documentation comment that doesn't document anything was found.

Erroneous code example:

fn main() {
    // The following doc comment will fail:
    /// This is a useless doc comment!

Documentation comments need to be followed by items, including functions,
types, modules, etc. Examples:

/// I'm documenting the following struct:
struct Foo;

/// I'm documenting the following function:
fn foo() {}

E0586: r##"
An inclusive range was used with no end.

Erroneous code example:

let tmp = vec![0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 4, 3, 3, 2, 1];
let x = &tmp[1...]; // error: inclusive range was used with no end

An inclusive range needs an end in order to *include* it. If you just need a
start and no end, use a non-inclusive range (with `..`):

let tmp = vec![0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 4, 3, 3, 2, 1];
let x = &tmp[1..]; // ok!

Or put an end to your inclusive range:

let tmp = vec![0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 4, 3, 3, 2, 1];
let x = &tmp[1...3]; // ok!


register_diagnostics! {
    E0538, // multiple [same] items
    E0539, // incorrect meta item
    E0540, // multiple rustc_deprecated attributes
    E0541, // unknown meta item
    E0542, // missing 'since'
    E0543, // missing 'reason'
    E0544, // multiple stability levels
    E0545, // incorrect 'issue'
    E0546, // missing 'feature'
    E0547, // missing 'issue'
    E0548, // incorrect stability attribute type
    E0549, // rustc_deprecated attribute must be paired with either stable or unstable attribute
    E0550, // multiple deprecated attributes
    E0551, // incorrect meta item
    E0552, // unrecognized representation hint
    E0554, // #[feature] may not be used on the [] release channel
    E0555, // malformed feature attribute, expected #![feature(...)]
    E0556, // malformed feature, expected just one word
    E0557, // feature has been removed
    E0584, // file for module `..` found at both .. and ..
    E0589, // invalid `repr(align)` attribute