galaxy_buds_live_rs 0.1.3

The Galaxy Buds live bluetooth protocol reverse engineered
# GalaxyBudsLive-rs
A reverse engineered rust wrapper for the GalaxyBudsLive bluetooth protocol. Can be used to communicate with your earbuds from rust.

#### To use:
Add this to your Cargo.toml
galaxy_buds_live_rs = "0.1.3"
Or if you have `cargo edit`:
cargo add galaxy_buds_live_rs

# Features

### Receiving
- [x] Statusupdate
- [x] Extended statusupdate
- [x] Touch updated
- [x] Voice wakeup listening update
- [x] Touchpad tap action
- [ ] Version info

### Sending
- [x] Un/Lock touchpad
- [x] Set noisereduction
- [x] Set Equalizer
- [x] Adjust sound sync
- [x] Mute earbud
- [x] Find my earbuds
- [x] Prepare voice notification (notifications TTS)
- [x] Set touchpad option
- [ ] Update time

# Examples

### Receive
Set the `address` value in `examples/` to your Buds' mac address and run following:
cargo --example receive

### Send
Set the `address` value in `examples/` to your Buds' mac address and run following:
cargo --example send