gaborator-sys 0.1.1

Rust API for Gaborator audio processing library
// Rendering of spectrogram images
// Copyright (C) 2015-2020 Andreas Gustafsson.  This file is part of
// the Gaborator library source distribution.  See the file LICENSE at
// the top level of the distribution for license information.


#include "gaborator/gaborator.h"
#include "gaborator/resample2.h"

namespace gaborator {

// Convert a floating-point linear brightness value in the range 0..1
// into an 8-bit pixel value, with clamping and (rough) gamma
// correction.  This nominally uses the sRGB gamma curve, but the
// current implementation cheats and uses a gamma of 2 because it can
// be calculated quickly using a square root.

template <class T>
unsigned int float2pixel_8bit(T val) {
    // Clamp before gamma correction so we don't take the square root
    // of a negative number; those can arise from bicubic
    // interpolation.  While we're at it, let's also skip the gamma
    // correction for small numbers that will round to zero anyway,
    // and especially denormals which could rigger GCC bug target/83240.
    static const T almost_zero = 1.0 / 65536;
    if (val < almost_zero)
        val = 0;
    if (val > 1)
        val = 1;
    return (unsigned int)(sqrtf(val) * 255.0f);


// Power-of-two rendering

// Magnitude

template<class T>
struct complex_abs_fob {
    T operator()(const complex<T> &c) {
        return complex_abs(c);
    typedef T return_type;

// T -> f() -> OI::value_type

template <class F, class OI, class T>
struct transform_output_iterator: public std::iterator<std::output_iterator_tag, T> {
    typedef T value_type;
    transform_output_iterator(F f_, OI output_): f(f_), output(output_) { }
    transform_output_iterator<F, OI, T>& operator=(T v) {
        *output++ = f(v);
        return *this;
    transform_output_iterator<F, OI, T>& operator*() { return *this; }
    transform_output_iterator<F, OI, T>& operator++() { return *this; }
    transform_output_iterator<F, OI, T>& operator++(int) { return *this; }
    F f;
    OI output;

// A source object for resample2() that provides the
// values of a row of spectrogram coordinates transformed
// by function normf (typically an absolute value function).
// T is the analyzer signal type
// C is the coefficient type
// OI is the output iterator type

template <class T, class C, class OI, class NORMF>
struct abs_row_source {
    typedef transform_output_iterator<NORMF, OI, C> abs_writer_t;
    abs_row_source(const coefs<T, C> &coefs_,
                   int oct_, unsigned int obno_,
                   NORMF normf_):
        rs(coefs_, oct_, obno_),
    { }
    OI operator()(sample_index_t i0, sample_index_t i1, OI output) const {
        abs_writer_t abswriter(normf, output);
        abs_writer_t abswriter_end = rs(i0, i1, abswriter);
        return abswriter_end.output;
    row_source<T, abs_writer_t, C> rs;
    NORMF normf;

// Helper class for abs_row_source specialization below

template <class C, class OI>
struct abs_writer_dest {
    abs_writer_dest(OI output_): output(output_) { }
    void process_existing_slice(C *bv, size_t len) {
        complex_magnitude(bv, output, len);
        output += len;
    void process_missing_slice(size_t len) {
        for (size_t i = 0; i < len; i++)
            *output++ = 0;
    OI output;

// Partial specialization of class abs_row_source for NORMF = complex_abs_fob,
// for vectorization.

template <class T, class C, class OI>
struct abs_row_source<T, C, OI, struct complex_abs_fob<T> > {
    // Note unused last arg
    abs_row_source(const coefs<T, C> &coefs_,
                   int oct_, unsigned int obno_,
        slicer(coefs_, oct_, obno_)
    { }
    OI operator()(coef_index_t i0, coef_index_t i1, OI output) const {
        abs_writer_dest<C, OI> dest(output);
        slicer(i0, i1, dest);
        return dest.output;
    row_foreach_slice<T, abs_writer_dest<C, OI>, C> slicer;

// Render a single line (single frequency band), with scaling in the
// horizontal (time) dimension, and filtering to avoid aliasing when
// minifying.

template <class OI, class T, class C, class NORMF, class RESAMPLER>
OI render_line(const analyzer<T> &anl,
               const coefs<T, C> &msc,
               int gbno,
               linear_transform xf,
               sample_index_t i0, sample_index_t i1,
               OI output,
               NORMF normf)
    typedef typename NORMF::return_type RST;

    int oct;
    unsigned int obno; // Band number within octave
    bool clip = ! bno_split(*msc.meta, gbno, oct, obno, false);
    if (clip) {
        for (sample_index_t i = i0; i < i1; i++)
            *output++ = (T)0;
        return output;
    abs_row_source<T, C, RST *, NORMF>
        abs_rowsource(msc, oct, obno, normf);

    // Scale by the downsampling factor of the band
    int scale_exp = band_scale_exp(*msc.octaves[oct].meta, oct, obno);
    RESAMPLER x_resampler(zoom_p2(xf, -scale_exp));
    output = x_resampler.resample(abs_rowsource,
                                  i0, i1, output);
    return output;

// Render a two-dimensional image with scaling in the horizontal
// direction only.  In the vertical direction, there is always a
// one-to-one correspondence between bands and pixels.  yi0 and yi1
// already have the yorigin applied, so there is no yorigin argument.

template <class OI, class T, class C, class NORMF, class RESAMPLER>
OI render_noyscale(const analyzer<T> &anl,
                   const coefs<T, C> &msc,
                   linear_transform x_xf,
                   int64_t xi0, int64_t xi1,
                   int64_t yi0, int64_t yi1,
                   OI output,
                   NORMF normf)
    assert(xi1 >= xi0);
    int w = (int)(xi1 - xi0);
    assert(w >= 0);
    int gbno0 = (int)yi0;
    int gbno1 = (int)yi1;
    for (int gbno = gbno0; gbno < gbno1; gbno++) {
        int oct;
        unsigned int obno; // Band number within octave
        bool clip = ! bno_split(*msc.meta, gbno, oct, obno, false);
        if (clip) {
            for (int x = 0; x < w; x++)
                *output++ = (T)0;
        } else {
            output = render_line<OI, T, C, NORMF, RESAMPLER>
                (anl, msc, gbno, x_xf,
                 xi0, xi1,
                 output, normf);
    return output;

// Source data from a column of a row-major two-dimensional array.
// data points to the beginning of a row-major array with an x
// range of x0..x1 and an y range from y0..y1, and operator()
// returns data from column x (where x is within the range x0..x1).

template <class T, class OI>
struct transverse_source {
    transverse_source(T *data_,
                      int64_t x0_, int64_t x1_, int64_t y0_, int64_t y1_,
                      int64_t x_):
        x0(x0_), x1(x1_), y0(y0_), y1(y1_),
        stride(x1 - x0)
    { }
    OI operator()(int64_t i0, int64_t i1, OI out) const {
        assert(x >= x0);
        assert(x <= x1);
        assert(i1 >= i0);
        assert(i0 >= y0);
        assert(i1 <= y1);
        T *p = data + (x - x0) + (i0 - y0) * stride;
        while (i0 != i1) {
            *out++ = *p;
            p += stride;
        return out;
    T *data;
    int64_t x0, x1, y0, y1, x;
    size_t stride;

template <class I>
struct stride_iterator: public std::iterator
    <std::forward_iterator_tag, typename std::iterator_traits<I>::value_type>
    typedef typename std::iterator_traits<I>::value_type T;
    stride_iterator(I it_, size_t stride_): it(it_), stride(stride_) { }
    T& operator*() { return *it; }
    stride_iterator<I>& operator++() {
        it += stride;
        return *this;
    stride_iterator operator++(int) {
        stride_iterator old = *this;
        it += stride;
        return old;
    I it;
    size_t stride;

struct updated_nop {
    void operator()(int64_t x0, int64_t x1, int64_t y0, int64_t y1) { }

// Render a two-dimensional image with scaling in both the horizontal
// (time) and vertical (frequency) directions.  The output may be
// written through "output" out of order, so "output" must be a random
// access iterator.

// Note the default template argument for NORMF.  This is needed
// because the compiler won't deduce the type of NORMF from the
// default function argument "NORMF normf = complex_abs_fob<T>()"
// when the normf argument is omitted; it is considered a "non-deduced
// context", being "a template parameter used in the parameter type of
// a function parameter that has a default argument that is being used
// in the call for which argument deduction is being done".
// Unfortuantely, this work-around of providing a default template
// argument requires C++11.

// This supports incremental rendering where only the parts of the
// output image affected by analyzing a given time range of samples
// are updated, the time range being from inc_i0 (inclusive) to inc_i1
// (exclusive).  The updated parts of the image consist of zero or
// more non-overlapping rectangles; to find out what those are, pass a
// function "update" which will be called will each rectangle in turn
// after it has been updated.

// For non-incremental rendering, pass inc_i0 = INT64_MIN and inc_i1 =
// INT64_MAX.

// OI is the output iterator type
// T is the coefficient type

template <class OI, class T, class C, class NORMF = complex_abs_fob<T>,
    class RESAMPLER = lanczos2_pow2_resampler,
    class UPDATEDF = updated_nop>
void render_incremental(
    const analyzer<T> &anl,
    const coefs<T, C> &msc,
    linear_transform x_xf, linear_transform y_xf,
    int64_t xi0, int64_t xi1,
    int64_t yi0, int64_t yi1,
    int64_t inc_i0, int64_t inc_i1,
    OI output,
    int64_t output_stride,
    NORMF normf = complex_abs_fob<T>(),
    UPDATEDF updated = updated_nop())
    assert(xi1 >= xi0);
    assert(yi1 >= yi0);
    assert(inc_i1 >= inc_i0);

    // The data type to reasmple
    typedef typename NORMF::return_type RST;

    // Vertical resampler
    RESAMPLER y_resampler(y_xf);

    // Find the image bounds in the spectrogram coordinate system,
    // including the interpolation margin.  The Y bounds are in
    // bands and are used both to determine what to render into the
    // temporary image and for short-circuiting. The X bounds are in
    // coefficient samples, and are only used for short-circuiting.
    // The X bounds will be calculated later if we need them.
    int64_t ysi0, ysi1;, yi1, ysi0, ysi1);

    // Calculate adjusted image X bounds based on the updated signal
    // range for incremental rendering, and return an estimate of the
    // numbers of pixels we can avoid rendering at this Y coordinate
    // by using the adjusted X bounds.

    auto savings = [&](int64_t y, int64_t &adj_x0, int64_t &adj_x1) {
        // Find the highest-index / lowest-frequency band used
        // as a resampler input for output pixel y; it will have
        // the widest analysis support in the x direction.
        // Note that we pass y twice, and ignore the ysi0 result.
        int64_t ysi0, ysi1;, y, ysi0, ysi1);
        int64_t band = ysi1;
        // Clamp the band to the valid range
        band = std::max(band, (int64_t)anl.bandpass_bands_begin());
        band = std::min(band, (int64_t)anl.bandpass_bands_end() - 1);

        // Find the analysis support in the time (x) dimension,
        // in signal samples
        double support = anl.analysis_support(band);
        // Convert from signal samples to coefficient samples
        int scale_exp = anl.band_scale_exp((int)band);

        // Extend the updated coefficient range by the analysis
        // support, and map it back to pixel space to find the
        // affected pixel range, taking the resampler support
        // into account.
        RESAMPLER x_resampler(zoom_p2(x_xf, -scale_exp));
        int64_t ceil_support = ceil(support);

        // inv_support() calculates both sides of the support at once,
        // but in the one-sided case, passing INT64_MIN/MAX may cause
        // overflow and undefined behavior.  Therefore, we pass a
        // dummy value of zero instead, and make sure not to use the
        // corresponding output value.  This may cause the two inputs
        // to inv_support() to be out of order, so it needs to accept
        // that.
           inc_i0 == INT64_MIN ? (int64_t)0 : (inc_i0 - ceil_support) >> scale_exp,
           inc_i1 == INT64_MAX ? (int64_t)0 : (inc_i1 + ceil_support) >> scale_exp,

        if (inc_i0 == INT64_MIN) {
            adj_x0 = xi0;
        } else {
            adj_x0 = std::max(xi0, adj_x0);
            // Don't let width go negative
            adj_x0 = std::min(adj_x0, xi1);

        if (inc_i1 == INT64_MAX) {
            adj_x1 = xi1;
        } else {
            adj_x1 = std::min(xi1, adj_x1);
            // Don't let width go negative
            adj_x1 = std::max(adj_x1, adj_x0);

        assert(adj_x0 <= adj_x1);

        return (adj_x0 - xi0) + (xi1 - adj_x1);

    if (!(inc_i0 == INT64_MIN && inc_i1 == INT64_MAX)) {
        // Incremental rendering has been requested
        int64_t adj_x0_top, adj_x1_top, adj_x0_bot, adj_x1_bot;
        // See how much rendering we can save per line at the bottom,
        // and calcualate adjusted bounds
        int64_t bot_savings = savings(ysi1, adj_x0_bot, adj_x1_bot);
        // See how much rendering we can save per line at the top
        int64_t top_savings = savings(ysi0, adj_x0_top, adj_x1_top);
        // Adjust bounds and output pointer to realize the bottom
        // savings
        if (adj_x0_bot == adj_x1_bot)
        output += adj_x0_bot - xi0;
        xi0 = adj_x0_bot;
        xi1 = adj_x1_bot;

        // If the savings at the top are significantly greater than
        // at the bottom, it pays to subdivde the area to render,
        // so that the top part can benefit from the greater savings
        // there.
        if (((top_savings - bot_savings) * (yi1 - yi0)) > 1000) {
            // Subdivide vertically
            int64_t ysplit = (yi1 + yi0) >> 1;
            size_t output_offset = (ysplit - yi0) * output_stride;
            render_incremental<OI, T, C, NORMF, RESAMPLER, UPDATEDF>
                (anl, msc, x_xf, y_xf,
                 xi0, xi1,
                 yi0, ysplit,
                 inc_i0, inc_i1,
                 output, output_stride, normf, updated);
            render_incremental<OI, T, C, NORMF, RESAMPLER, UPDATEDF>
                (anl, msc, x_xf, y_xf,
                 xi0, xi1,
                 ysplit, yi1,
                 inc_i0, inc_i1,
                 output + output_offset, output_stride, normf, updated);

    // Horizontal resampler, used only to calculate the support for
    // short-circuiting.  Since the resampling factor varies by band,
    // the support also varies; use the largest resampling factor of
    // any band to get the worst-case support.
    int worstcase_band = anl.bandpass_bands_end() - 1;
    RESAMPLER x_resampler(zoom_p2(x_xf, -anl.band_scale_exp(worstcase_band)));
    int64_t xsi0, xsi1;, xi1, xsi0, xsi1);

    // Short-circuiting: if the image to be rendered falls entirely
    // outside the data, just set it to zero instead of resampling down
    // (potentially) high-resolution zeros to the display resolution.
    // This makes a difference when zooming out by a large factor, for
    // example such that the entire spectrogram falls within a single
    // tile; that tile will necessarily be expensive to calculate, but
    // the other tiles need not be, and mustn't be if we are to keep
    // the total amount of work bounded by O(L) with respect to the
    // signal length L regardless of zoom.
    coef_index_t cxi0, cxi1;
    get_band_coef_bounds(msc, worstcase_band, cxi0, cxi1);
    if (ysi1 < 0 || // Entirely above
        ysi0 >= anl.n_bands_total - 1 || // Entirely below
        xsi1 < cxi0 || // Entirely to the left
        xsi0 >= cxi1) // Entirely to the right
        size_t n = (size_t)((yi1 - yi0) * (xi1 - xi0));
        for (size_t i = 0; i < n; i++)
            output[i] = (T)0;

    // Construct a temporary image resampled in the
    // X direction, but not yet in the Y direction.  Include
    // extra scanlines at the top and bottom for interpolation.
    size_t n_pixels = (size_t)((ysi1 - ysi0) * (xi1 - xi0));
    pod_vector<RST> render_data(n_pixels);

    // Render data resampled in the X direction
    RST *p =;
    render_noyscale<OI, T, C, NORMF, RESAMPLER>
        (anl, msc, x_xf, xi0, xi1,
         ysi0, ysi1, p, normf);

    // Resample in the Y direction
    for (int64_t xi = xi0; xi < xi1; xi++) {
        transverse_source<RST, OI> src(,
                                  xi0, xi1, ysi0, ysi1,
        stride_iterator<OI> dest(output + (xi - xi0), output_stride);
        y_resampler.resample(src, yi0, yi1, dest);
    updated(xi0, xi1, yi0, yi1);

template <class OI, class T, class C, class NORMF = complex_abs_fob<T>,
          class RESAMPLER = lanczos2_pow2_resampler>
void render_p2scale(const analyzer<T> &anl,
                    const coefs<T, C> &msc,
                    int64_t xorigin, int64_t yorigin,
                    int64_t xi0, int64_t xi1, int xe,
                    int64_t yi0, int64_t yi1, int ye,
                    OI output,
                    NORMF normf = complex_abs_fob<T>())
    // Provide default inc_i0, inc_i1, and output_stride
    render_incremental<OI, T, C, NORMF, RESAMPLER>
        (anl, msc,
         linear_transform(ldexp(1, xe), xorigin),
         linear_transform(ldexp(1, ye), yorigin),
         xi0, xi1, yi0, yi1,
         INT64_MIN, INT64_MAX,
         output, xi1 - xi0, normf);

} // namespace
