ga-v4-flattener 0.1.1

Converts Google Analytics API v4 reports to flat/delimited data.

This library exposes two public functions that accept a Google Analytics Core Reporting v4 response string (string of the JSON data) and tranform the data into something easier to use.

Report to delimited (e.g. TSV, CSV)

to_delimited(raw_report_response: &str, delimiter: &str) -> Result<Vec<String>, failure::Error>

Converts a report response to a collection of delimited reports. You can specify any delimiter string you'd like.


Report to flat JSON (flat array of row data)

to_flat_json(raw_report: &str) -> Result<serde_json::value::Value, failure::Error>

Converts a report response to an array of "flat JSON" responses.

    "ga:deviceCategory": "desktop",
    "ga:sessions": 21
  }, {
    "ga:deviceCategory": "mobile",
    "ga:sessions": 84
    "ga:country": "Mexico",
    "ga:bounces": 9213
  }, {
    "ga:country": "Canada",
    "ga:bounces": 407



Issues and pull requests welcome. Please be nice.

  • Run tests with cargo test
  • Run benchmarks with cargo bench
  • Format with rustfmt
