g2p 0.1.0

A macro to create types that implement fast finite field arithmetic.
# g2p

This crate can generate types that implement fast finite field arithmetic.

Many error correcting codes rely on some form of finite field of the form GF(2^p), where
p is relatively small. Similarly some cryptographic algorithms such as AES use finite field

While addition and subtraction can be done quickly using just a simple XOR, multiplication is
more involved. To speed things up, you can use a precomputed table of logarithms and use the
fact that `log(a* b) = log(a) + log(b)`. Expanding back using the same base as the logarithm
gives the result for multiplication. The same method can be applied to division.

The types generated by this library are probably not suitable for cryptographic purposes, as
multiplication is not guaranteed to be constant time.

Currently only small precomputed tables are supported, the compiler may hang on bigger inputs
such as for GF(65536)


# Examples

use g2p;
g2p::g2p!(GF16, 4, modulus: 0b10011);

let one: GF16 = 1.into();
let a: GF16 = 5.into();
let b: GF16 = 4.into();
let c: GF16 = 7.into();
assert_eq!(a + c, 2.into());
assert_eq!(a - c, 2.into());
assert_eq!(a * b, c);
assert_eq!(a / c, one / b);
assert_eq!(b / b, one);