g-code 0.0.1

GCode parsing and emission
# g-code

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A joint crate for GCode parsing and emission.

## Parsing

The parser is written in Rust using the [LALRPOP](https://github.com/lalrpop/lalrpop/) parser generator.

A [custom lexer](https://lalrpop.github.io/lalrpop/lexer_tutorial/002_writing_custom_lexer.html) is used as LALRPOP currently does not handle whitespace well. This would prevent proper checksum computation.

### Demo

cargo run --example parse ./tests/vandy_commodores_logo.gcode

Output: https://gist.github.com/sameer/5fe20dad6faa6329926df48b82e68581

## Emission

Basic primitives for GCode emission.

### Demo

See [svg2gcode](https://github.com/sameer/svg2gcode).

## TODOs

### Parse
* [ ] GCode parameters 
* [ ] GCode infix notation

### Emit
* [ ] Remaining commonly-used commands
* [ ] Automated line number, newline, and checksum insertion
* [ ] EOL and inline comments

## References

* https://www.reprap.org/wiki/G-code
* NIST Interpreter: https://tsapps.nist.gov/publication/get_pdf.cfm?pub_id=823374
* https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/G-code