fyrox-template 0.3.0

Project template generator for Fyrox engine
fyrox-template-0.3.0 is not a library.

Fyrox Engine Project Template Generator

This tiny utility handles project generation for Fyrox Game Engine. It creates a workspace with three projects:

  • Game - your game project (library)
  • Editor - the editor with your game attached as a plugin
  • Executor - the "runner" for your game.

It also populates each project with boilerplate code. The main purpose of the project is to reduce amount of time that is needed to set up a new project.


Install it via cargo first:

cargo install fyrox-template

Navigate to a folder and call:

fyrox-template --name <project_name>

It will create a new folder with <project_name> and it will contain three projects, runnable only two of them:

  • cargo run --package editor --release - to run your game inside the editor.
  • cargo run --package executor --release - to run your game as a standalone project. It will also produce final binary of your game, that can be shipped to a store.


There is nothing special in generated project, so you can tweak them as you wish.